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I live in a west house


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Dear Cecil,
I studied your book "Applied Fung Shui Made Easy." I found that my kua is 1. My front door faces almost directly west. Since the house is a Metal house, and I am weak Fire, this house should be "wrong" for me. Also, according to the Eight House theory, the house is unsuitable because my front door occupies the Disaster line, my bedroom occupies the Death line, and my workroom (where I spend a lot of time) the Irritation line. Yet when I examined the house, before I knew much about FS, I liked what I saw and I felt that it was "right" for me. The rooms that are supposedly "bad" for me seem perfectly fine. I don't care to spend much time in one room that is supposedly "good" i.e., the room with Prosperity line.
I think what I am wondering is, how strictly should the Eight House theory be followed?
In past forum discussions, you and Robert reminded us to follow our instincts. May I have your thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance.

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Dear Joe,
Sometimes we have to go with our feelings totally.
Overall, when a house is considered not suitable for the person and if you have the correct Feng Shui e.g. the exterior Shapes and Form Feng Shui is ok, this is fine.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/17/99 8:30:14 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I studied your book "Applied
Fung Shui Made Easy." I found
that my kua is 1. My front
door faces almost directly
west. Since the house is a
Metal house, and I am weak
Fire, this house should be
"wrong" for me. Also,
according to the Eight House
theory, the house is
unsuitable because my front
door occupies the Disaster
line, my bedroom occupies the
Death line, and my workroom
(where I spend a lot of time)
the Irritation line. Yet when
I examined the house, before I
knew much about FS, I liked
what I saw and I felt that it
was "right" for me. The rooms
that are supposedly "bad" for
me seem perfectly fine. I
don't care to spend much time
in one room that is supposedly
"good" i.e., the room with
Prosperity line.
I think what I am wondering
is, how strictly should the
Eight House theory be
In past forum discussions, you
and Robert reminded us to
follow our instincts. May I
have your thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Joe,
Please read below:-
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 8:28 AM
Subject: west house

From: "Joe Sehl"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Dear Cecil,
I studied your book "Applied Fung Shui Made Easy." I found that my kua is
1. My front door faces almost directly west. Since the house is a Metal
house, and I am weak Fire, this house should be "wrong" for me. Also,
according to the Eight House theory, the house is unsuitable because my
front door occupies the Disaster line, my bedroom occupies the Death line,
and my workroom (where I spend a lot of time) the Irritation line. Yet when
I examined the house, before I knew much about FS, I liked what I saw and I
felt that it was "right" for me. The rooms that are supposedly "bad" for me
seem perfectly fine. I don't care to spend much time in one room that is
supposedly "good" i.e., the room with Prosperity line.
I think what I am wondering is, how strictly should the Eight House theory
be followed?

Eight House is limited as it only takes the year of your birth, this means
that many people will have the same type of kua as you. Thus, it is only
able to give you a general reading of your 4 good and 4 bad directions. It
does not take into account the stars in your home. Say for example, if the
stars in your bedroom could have formed a good combination which overrules
your Eight House.
So far its uses is only generally to find a suitable home. This means it is
best to find a home with the main door that falls in any of the 4 good
sectors and then a bedroom which falls in a good sector if possible. At
least one of the two should be fullfilled.
Then it can be used as a general facing direction for say your head sleeping
direction and working direction.
Other then that, you have to rely on other more powerful tools if you want
to find out problems with you home or to improve your home. That is done
mostly with Flying Star.

In past forum discussions, you and Robert reminded us to follow our
instincts. May I have your thoughts on this?

Your personal instincts is often correct, as it can tell you if you are
balanced or not. Normally if you feel uncomfortable, it means that there is
some shift in the energy which is what Feng Shui is about. Flying Star,
Pillars & shape and forms breaks down the environment to your Five Element
component, which allows you to relate to the environment. However, for Eight
House it does not really break down like that, although if you related it to
the directional kua it does have some element representation, but is more
towards a static reading.
Thus, you will find that for Eight House basically, there is nothing much
you can do about it, as it only tells you which kua you belong to. This
allows a pretty easy reading but often we found that althought it may be a
simple tool, in many cases it sometimes is the cause of the problem. But
when you have other readings such as Flying Star, most of the influences are
overruled by these tools. Then you can ignore the Eight House sector
reading. Instead use it more for personal best directions etc.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Thanks in advance.
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