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Why all the decoration stuff have pictures of chinese ladies and not men


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This is an interesting question. I guess this is not based on Feng Shui but as you have mentioned many single portaits do use women as they are more `graceful' and since most of these vases are delicate, a portait of a women would be nice.
The above is not my believes but a comment on your statement based on quite alot of vases and even hand painted plates I also own. I for one do not want to be labelled a Male C. Pig.
However, I do have large vases at home that do have male figurines e.g. the legend of the Eight Immortals where pictures were drawn on the vase with them crossing the sea. These Eight Immortals have both a mix of male and female figurines.
So, it may not be entirely true that all vases or figurines are of the female gender. I do have a collection of Chinese Antiques such as the famous " Four Scholars (male) ", the 9 sages etc...
Warmest Regards,

On 8/18/99 1:06:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Why all the chinese decoration
stuff whether it is vase or a
screen or head board has
pictures of ladies never men.
Why? Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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