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Master Bedroom above garage


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Dear James,
There are several factors with regards to a garage above the master bedroom:
1. The height of the garage in relation to the Master bedroom.
Higher the better.
2. Nowadays, this is ranked low when compared to a house that meets proper Feng Shui concepts such as the Four Symbolic Animal Theory where the back of the house should have a solid backing and the front - clear space etc...
What is also more important is the position of the toilet e.g. it should not be above the main entrace, or next to the main entrance.
3. After reading the above, a garage below a bedroom is thus of `low' priority.
Why some FS books or authors say that it is inauspicious to have a garage below a bedroom:
A. Some practioners or authors feel that a vehicle represents the Metal Element and if your house has a sizable chunk of Metal element especially below the bedroom, they feel that this is " bad ".
But currently, under recent developments, if one reasons correctly, it really has no impact on someone staying above it. This is not like a masterbedroom having a toilet above it. (Which is worse!)
B. Another argument is that there may be a `remote' situation where the car catches fire. But looking at it this is equally remote. Unless, someone `blows' up the car on purpose and if by any chance the flames can move upwards and let the bedroom catch fire. Again this is very remote and highly unlikely.
We can therefore, add the arguement that having a bedroom above the kitchen is still acceptable. For example, if the bedroom is an auspicious location for a family member, I personally do not see the reason why the person should not sleep in the bedroom above the kitchen.
In light of the above arguements, in my opinion, the above situations are the `least' of your worries if any.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/19/99 4:33:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Our master bedroom is above
our garage. How bad is this?
What can be done without
changing rooms to reduce the

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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