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Is living near a light house bad


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Dear Anon,
Again, this is a `hard' question as one must be personally at the site to evaluate the "situation."
In general, this would depend on many factors some of which includes:
1. Is the house on elevated ground and how is the condition of the soil or foundation solid enough.
2. The impact of the weather i.e. is the location `sheltered' from storms etc...
3. If the sea at the location is calm, it is acceptable.
Based on what you have briefly mentioned, the light house should not pose a problem:
a. In order for it to be a poison arrow, it must be directly cutting the main entrance door ( or tangent to it). If it is at a distance on one side, this is acceptable.
b. On the contrary, a light house if it is on the right side of the house ie. when one stands at the main entrance and look out of the house, if the lighthouse is on the rightside, it is regarded as " Penmanship " peak.
In China, pagodas are frequently erected either at fault lines or in settlements. The symbolic reason is that these people hope that their children can get good education as a tall pagoda is in the shape of an UP shape and the hope is that their children have higher education.
However, contrast this to chimneys which is considered not auspicious as they symbolically represent joss sticks ie. to pray (e.g. when one is dead).
It is still best if one can get a competent FS practioner to go on site to assess the situation. (As I frequently mention that it is hard to comment without seeing the actual situation as no situation are alike).
Warmest Regards,

On 9/8/99 1:12:37 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Is living near a light house
bad. My friends
main door opens to ocean view
overlooking a
light house. Is it considered
a poison arrow
since it is too close to the
house and is facing the main
door. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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