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Why BaZi is called 8 character

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Dear Anon,
Please read below:-

On 9/23/99 4:16:26 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear robert and cecil,
Why BaZi is called 8 character
feng shui. Thanks.

Simply because:-
1. Ba is Eight in chinese.
2. Zi is Word or Character in chinese.
So the proper translation is Eight Characters.
Why Eight Characters regarding destiny reading is called Four Pillars or Pillars of
Destiny is simply:-
Because the Eight Charcters forms 4 heavenly and 4 earthly branch, thus one heavenly and one earthly branch is considered one pillar.
Thus, since it the main four pillars (which is the basic of eight characters, excluding the additional houses/pillars), thus often called 4 pillars.
We prefer to call it Pillars of Destiny, partially because it is does not consist of only 4 pillars but in traditional has 4 pillars with 6 additional houses (of which many regarding yin feng shui aspect is no longer used). And its main purpose is to deduce a person's destiny, thus a more appropriate term we prefer to use is Pillars of Destiny. Or in chinese Ba Zi Ming Xue (where Ming is life / destiny, and Xue is study / theory).
Eight Characters Feng Shui (Ba Zi Feng Shui) is thus another school of relating a person's Feng Shui to a house or his own personal directions.
In Feng Shui, two of the most commonly practised "compass school", meaning relating to compass directions are:-
1. Xuan Kong Feng Xing (Flying Star)
2. Ba Zi Feng Shui (Eight Characters Feng Shui)
Where Flying Star takes into time factor to deduce influence in a particular home at a particular time. And for Eight Characters deduces the personal influences based on directional influences.
Thus, when you combine the readings of Flying Star and Eight Characters you get true personalised Feng Shui.
This is the why Traditional Feng Shui is so powerful. Basically, if Feng Shui can be easily applied without any relation to a person, it is not really considered Feng Shui. Thus, the BTB Feng Shui is often based on this, where they assume that everything else is always the same.
Well, in real life, there is no such things, the reason why no one can always enjoy a good life, is due to the constant changing influence in a persons life. Thus, there will always be ups and downs, only when you know what will be expecting can you expect to improve, change or correct any possible disaster, and that is what Feng Shui aims to do.
There is no need for any fancy items (such as Feng Shui jewelry, Feng Shui objects etc). Instead is it about balance yourself with your environment which is sometimes difficult due to many unaccounted influences.
Thus, in order to make it easier, many Traditional theories available such as Eight Characters Feng Shui, Flying Star, Eight House, Pillars of Destiny, Shapes and Forms, etc.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
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