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Wealth Producing numbers


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Hi, I'm looking for a website name (nothing to do with Feng Shui) and the one I want is taken. Instead, I was going to use that name, but put an auspicious (wealth generating in this instance) number in front of it. Does the number 888 fall into this category? 8888 might be better, but triple-8 is easier to say. Is 888 a very favourable number when it
comes to producing wealth?
If not, do you have any suggestions that would be easy and 'look good' in a website name like www.888name.com does?
Oh, and thanks for all your other advice, it has been spot on.

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Dear Fraser,
Yes, if you can, quickly register any names that you personally feel is happy with particulary those found as `words' or a combination of words and characters. Hurry! meaninful .Com is hard to find nowadays.
888 to the Chinese especially the Cantonese (dialect) sounds Fa Fa Fa or Prosperity x 3.
Other good sounding names include 9 or its multiples.
For the current Period, 7 is still acceptable (as we are currently under this period).
In Flying Star Theory, 8 and 9 or its multiplies are equally auspicious as Period 8 will start in the year 2004.
Under the Flying Star numerology, 8 and 9 are equally good as this is considered the stage where we `reap' the beneifits from the `struggles' under Period 1, 2, 3... onwards.
Wishing you all the best in getting your domain name.
If you cannot get the .com, .net is equally a popular domain name. (I always avoid getting the country specific domains e.g. .com.
Equally important is a good website:)
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 9/24/99 11:04:29 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I'm looking for a website
name (nothing to do with Feng
Shui) and the one I want is
taken. Instead, I was going to
use that name, but put an
auspicious (wealth generating
in this instance) number in
front of it. Does the number
888 fall into this category?
8888 might be better, but
triple-8 is easier to say. Is
888 a very favourable number
when it
comes to producing wealth?
If not, do you have any
suggestions that would be easy
and 'look good' in a website
name like www.888name.com
Oh, and thanks for all your
other advice, it has been spot

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Even in western numerology 8 is considered a money number, although perhaps too many 8's might indicate greed and domination. 5 is also considered an opportunity number in western numerology.
Just thought you might be interested
Listmanager wrote:

From: "Fraser Caldwell"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Hi, I'm looking for a website name (nothing to do with Feng Shui) and the one I want is taken. Instead, I was going to use that name, but put an auspicious (wealth generating in this instance) number in front of it. Does the number 888 fall into this category? 8888 might be better, but triple-8 is easier to say. Is 888 a very favourable number when it
comes to producing wealth?
If not, do you have any suggestions that would be easy and 'look good' in a website name like www.888name.com does?
Oh, and thanks for all your other advice, it has been spot on.
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