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How to Deal with Unflavourable Sector

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My personal gua no. is 6 and based on the 8M, the south direction is my "DEATH" direction. If due to space constraint, i cannot move my bed away from this direction, how should i reduce the effect of this? Understanding the south belongs to the FIRE element, does UNFLAVOURABLE direction is just an indication that my chi in that direction is blocked and need to enhance the respective element i.e. adding more fire /wood? Or i need to introduce counter element i.e. water to reduce the impact?
Thank for your attention.
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1. Please note that 8M has its limitations. And this info has been covered many times previously in this forum. 2. Since Flying star with 8M belong to the same Compass school, both plus shapes and forms Feng Shui are to be used together.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Lee,

Is there some problem with your msg cos it is all jumbled up?

Understand that this is a very common/hot topic being discussed that is always confused the beginners like me and often the proposed solution is to spend less time in that direction/sector. My confusion is whether we should enhance the element of that direction or we should introduce counter-element to the element of that direction.

Thank again for the advice.

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Apologies, if this message uses "strong words"... it is not directed at anyone. But.. just to emphasise that we should not expect more than what .. something cannot give us.. back...

1. Thanks, I have re-edited and removed the corrupted message. As I was on the road and posted it via 3G broadband connection.

2. In my earliest forum messages (as far back as 1998 onwards) I actually mentioned:

2.1 Clearly try to understand what each concept is about: What is it's aim.
2.2 Know it's strengths and weakness

3. For example, for the 8 Mansions: the idea is that it helps to identify how suitable a home is to a persons. And between say sleeping facing a good direction, for example, first choice is to see if we can sleep in a good sector or direction and nice-to have bed head facing a good direction.

4. Now you are asking the question: Based on this concept, can we do something to improve!

5. Please look at what I mentioned under Para 2 to 3. Is it possible to do so under the 8 Mansions? Yes or no?

6. Yes, if you can get the earthquake to tilt your home or change all the compass directions. "Silly" and not possible rite? Who in the world can tilt a building with fixed foundation?

7. Here, the clue is that you cannot do more than what the theory or concept can give? How can one try to squeeze more from this theory?

8. Please check out other concepts: Flying Star has its use and with it we can try to neutralise sha qi or improve qi - if that sector of the bedroom is no good under 8 M for a person. And we can use Ba zito harmonise the room. For example, if the person is a Strong Water person, and if the sector can accept Metal colours all the better.

Thus, please don't ask me again how this theory can provide answers or help improve your life! Fine if you are looking for a new home and manage to construct entirely new home. Otherwise "go to a con-man" to seek comfort!

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee,

Is there some problem with your msg cos it is all jumbled up?

Understand that this is a very common/hot topic being discussed that is always confused the beginners like me and often the proposed solution is to spend less time in that direction/sector. My confusion is whether we should enhance the element of that direction or we should introduce counter-element to the element of that direction.

Thank again for the advice.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. In the past, I mentioned another way of looking at concepts or even homes that "we have or had alreadypurchased" or lived-in.

2. The clue is "the rich gets richer... and the poor...hmm".

3. This is two examples:

The rich gets richer because they can afford the best homes with "quantum leap" in Feng Shui. Homes that they purposely bought that is "aimed" to bring them luck - sometimes on their own or with the help of good Feng Shui practitioners". Money Talks!

4. For many common folks, how we match these rich people?

4.1 Imagine, if one's home Feng Shui is compared to a "10 year old 1,000 cc car". Tell me, can a Feng Shui practitioner or even "GOD" make your home the equivalent of a new Porche or even a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow? Yes / No?

4.2 In another example: if we are driving a small 1,000cc car and have a family of 7. Tell me, how are you going to squeeze all your family into a car equivalent of a 4 to 4 seater? Tie your wife to the roof? Lock your son in the booth? If you need to transport 7 persons, for heaven's sake, get a 7 seater MPV! (Fullstop!)

Some of think it can be done. That our "run down" car can perform like the new porche!

4.3 The second silly mistake many people make is: Instead of fixing the leak(s), first: (leak = wealth, health, harmony); we assume that we should instead invest in purchasing, products that only line the pocket of the seller.

Frankly, with such thinking... try to guess the outcome...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Lee,

To be frank i'm only startedstudying FS abt 2 mths agoand based on what i have read from the forum, you have indeed made the effort to try to answer our questions. I do understand thatpeople definitely get frustrated after being asked the same "stupid" question over and over again. May be ppl like me need some assurance sometimes, especially when we receive different msgs from different sects/schools/masters that we sometimes get very confused and lost. I'm still having a hard time trying to understand all the jargons and "alien" concepts and your answer to my questions have so far deepened my understanding. I just hope to appeal for your understanding and patience.

Thank again for everything. Very Happy

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1. In my opinion, try to avoid sites that has only one objective: Sell, sell and sell....

2. For example, many people have bad experience with some "Feng Shui" masters.

2.1 Sometime many years back, there was some information that a wife got divorced in the US, because she had too much roll over credit card debts thanks to a Feng Shui master that went to her home to do Feng Shui and sold her many commercial products!

2.2 Commercial products are easily produced and sold at very high margins! And some Feng Shui practitioners will always "invade" a home, and tell the "victim"; you have to purchase this painting.

The victim:" Where do I purchase it from"

The Feng Shui (CON) man: " Come to my shop ". He charges a bomb on this "useless" painting.

3. Thus, try to be cautious of anyone selling commercial products! This is a good start!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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I believenowadays ppl do have the mentality of practicising "instant/fast result" FSthat wehave lost the patience to wait the results and assess the process and results. Maybe this is why some FS masters are more popular cos their FS teaching is more easily to graspe i.e. buy this to represent something and buy that to counter certain things.Maybe sometimes pplincluding myself are looking for something more tangible to grasp on. Just my personal pt of view. Still have a lotto learn fromppl likeMaster Lee.

Thank again for your attention.

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