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How do you Feng Shui your home? Use the front door? Please click this link for a good understanding... Visit Me :- =============================== Older "Fragmented" Resources =============================== The placement of the main entrance is often influenced by the architect's decision to connect it to a communal corridor. This straightforward example highlights the fact that the main door's position can differ depending on how the architect links it to the common corridor of a residential building.1 point
Part 1A - Resources on Parc Botannia @ Fernvale Road by Wee Hur Holdings and Sing Holdings LTD On a virgin (Low hill) land in Jalan Kayu/Seletar & fringe of Sengkang West. It will have to be completely levelled to make way for this development. Fortunately there is a buffer between it and the TPE expressway. Good thing if considering a unit facing Northerly direction or the Seaview.. This plot of land:- Both established brands in SGP. Waiting for the site plan and floor plans: before reviewing this project... TOP 2021. (Expected is 3rd or 4th quarter 2010) Source and credit: their main website ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Part 1B: Reference Resource Bank - Parc Botannia Main Brochure with sitemap ebrochure ParcBotannia Main Brochure with Site plan only.pdf1 point
TOILET BUSINESS: LID LEAVE OPEN OR CLOSED POSITION? When flushing the toilet, should I let the lid down or leave the lid open? 1. Scientists have discovered that flushing a toilet bowl will cause plumes of bacteria and viruses to spread. 2. The flushing causes plumes of tiny droplets to spread through the air to every surface of the bathroom. 3. These scientists also mentioned that it does not matter if the toilet bowl lid remains up or down. 4. We are thus advised to do regularly cleaning of the bowl and disinfecting the toilet bowl to get rid of the most nastiest bacteria. +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ ++++++ Source & Credit: Published by University of Arizona in the American Journal of Infection Control Impacts of lid closure during toilet flushing and of toilet bowl cleaning on viral contamination of surfaces in United States restrooms - American Journal of Infection Control (ajicjournal.org) Highlights • Viral aerosols from toilet flushing pose a possible route of pathogen transmission. • Toilet lid closure prior to flushing is believed to mitigate cross-contamination. • We show toilet lid closure prior to flushing does not mitigate cross-contamination. • Brushing toilet bowl without disinfectant results in contamination of surfaces. • The use of a disinfectant during bowl cleaning reduces cross-contamination of surfaces. Background Viral aerosols generated during toilet flushing represent a potential route of pathogen transmission. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of toilet lid closure prior to flushing on the generation of viral aerosols and cross-contamination of restroom fomites. Methods A surrogate for human enteric viruses (bacteriophage MS2) was added to household and public toilet bowls and flushed. The resulting viral contamination of the toilet and other restroom surfaces was then determined. Results After flushing the inoculated toilets, toilet seat bottoms averaged >107 PFU/100 cm2. Viral contamination of restroom surfaces did not depend on toilet lid position (up or down). After toilet bowls were cleaned using a bowl brush with or without a commercial product (hydrochloric acid), a >4 log10 (>99.99%) reduction in contamination of the toilet bowl water was observed versus no product. Bowl brush contamination was reduced by 1.6 log10 (97.64%) when the product was used versus no product. Conclusions These results demonstrate that closing the toilet lid prior to flushing does not mitigate the risk of contaminating bathroom surfaces and that disinfection of all restroom surfaces (ie, toilet rim, floors) may be necessary after flushing or after toilet brush used for the reduction of virus cross-contamination.1 point
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Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, the MRT tracks is not a THREAT. Good news is that nowadays MRT trains both run quieter and the sound reflecting panels does seem to help. But again, do expect that there are many Indian Chiefs in Feng Shui. And if one meets a Conservative Feng Shui Master (FSM); then one has to swallow the .. comments. Frankly, there are three kinds of luck under the Chinese Luck System. Often we call it the Holy Trinity of Luck Heaven Luck = Born with or ba zi = 33.33% Earth Luck = Feng Shui = 33.33% Human or Man Luck = 33.33% TOTAL = 100 % Here, one will notice that in some situations, one is ready to accept that there may be some noise etc.. And all these comes under Human or Man Luck. And this itself is 33.33% of the total luck. It will be different if one cannot seem to accept the above. And it can impact on the TOTAL luck:-1 point
Not perfect under symbolism in Feng Shui. Fortunately it is considered minor issue or even a non-issue in Feng Shui. As there are more important considerations than this! Reference: There are even more important considerations… for example…. Is my existing house or potential new (re-sale) home still lucky today? https://www.geomancy.net/forums/blogs/entry/25-is-my-existing-house-or-potential-new-re-sale-home-still-lucky-today/1 point
The Watergardens brochure. Seems like the landed houses are taller than this development site. The_Watergardens_at_Canberra_Eng_eBrochure.pdf1 point
These are some considerations: 1. In period 7; usually if Flying Stars are applied; you should be looking for the location of the following numbers: Mountain Star (MS)#7 and Water(W)#7. As at that period : 1984 to 2003; the reigning wealth star is = #7. 2. In period 8; using the same Period 7, SW1 chart; 2.1. #7 becomes the past prosperity number. 2.2. #8 becomes the CURRENT prosperity wealth star. 2.3. Thus there will still be no change in the flying star chart. But locate where the MS#8 is at and the W#8 also. 2.4. For example, in period 8, theWater star#8 is located at North and the Mountain Star #8 is at East sector. 3. In period 9; especially if the house is not completely torn down or major renovations done; one should still use Period 7, SW1 chart. 3. But since this will be period 9; then locate where are the Water#9 and MS#9. As in Period 9; #9 becomes the current prosperity star(s) while #8 becomes the PAST prosperity stars. 4. Your sum of fear is realised! In fact, in Period 9 and if we still retain the Period 7 SW1 chart; the MS#9 flies to the SE and Water #9 files to the South. These two sectors will have auspicious "Current" prosperity stars. 5. Thus, based on THE FACTS; most likely your friend's master MAY be pulling a fast one on your friend. 6. A Period 7, SW1 facing home will have MS#7 and Water#7 at it's frontage, thus as I had mentioned previously #7, today : is the PAST prosperity star(s). 7. BUT if you are using Period 8, SW1 stars then you will find the Water star = #8. While the Mountain Star (MS) = #8. Thus, if there is visible frontage at the frontage of such a house and there is sufficient back(ing) at the home; then in theory; this is a good house. 8. Thus, frankly, I have clearly illustrated, above that there is nothing difficult about applying Flying Star. And the fact speaks for itself. 9. To sum up: if the house has no major renovations done or torn and rebuilt usually it is still a Period 7 e.g. SW1 home. 9.1. Only thing to remember that if this is 1984 to 2003; then locate theLeft (MS) and Right (Water) stars = 7 = CURRENT prosperity during that period. 9.2. Correspondingly, if this is 2004 to 2023 (under Period 8); then locate where are the #8's ? 9.3. If this is 2024 to 2043 (under Period 9) then locate where are the #8's; that's all. 10. From this logic; I am afraid; if purely based on Flying stars; your friend's master has just pulled a fast one on him! Your some of concerns are realised... Lots of smoke coming from that master's ears for sure!1 point
Yes. But the actual test is to stand inside such units to determine- if is is or not. Hardest to cure if such a poison arrow is aimed towards an opening such as the balcony/living room. If it is aimed towards a wall, then no issue.1 point
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1. This is how I would consider the interpretation of this layout plan:- 2. A physical way of finding the centrepoint or "the centre-of-gravity" of this unit is to first paste a copy of the layout plan onto a cardboard. And try to balance it on a nail. 2.1. Personally, I use a quick "eye-ball" method + logic to figure out the centre-of-gravity. 3. Frankly, many of us would often not imagine or look for protrusions. But rather looking at a "dime of a dozen" missing sectors. 4. For condo units or high rise units, often the logical method is (usually) the readings from the living room (side) looking out towards the windows or balcony:- 4. If one wants to take a reading from the main (or front) door. It is quite like standing inside the main door looking outwards. If you are particularly a follower of the front door.1 point
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1. Does NW = Fire@Heaven's Gate affects everyone? HDB Toa Payoh Kim Keat Beacon BTO launched in May 2018 + indepth understanding of Kitchen at NW = Fire@Heaven's Gate. Affects everyone? - Singapore Property Review - FengShui.Geomancy.Net 2. The impact is greatest if the stove is directly on the NW cardinal point. 3. It is harder to cure if the stove is directly on the NW cardinal point as shown by this magnified image (below):- 3.1. This is the full Off-site house hunting report:- 3.2. Note: Above is an extract sample from a condo unit that will almost T.O.P. shortly. And not an example from HDB Sun Sails.1 point
Hi Master Cecil Lee, Thank you for your reply! Your advice makes so much sense and helps to put both families' minds at peace. With blessings from the parents of both families, we will look forward to both weddings soon.1 point
Often, no two House Hunting or Can or Cannot Buy reviews are totally similar to a previous review. This is another variant of the review of various stacks in this development. (And a reference was also made to another two stacks at the near-by Treasure Crest development. For example, these reviews take many hours and always done with passion, by me.1 point
Grandeur Park Residences & Shapes and Forms Feng Shui 1. Type 5L - 5 Bedroom Premium 1.1 Many of Grandeur Park Residences layout have the Living Room sharing the same wall as a bedroom. 1.2 In this instance with bedroom 3. If this section of the wall is a dry-wall. 1.3 One would have to be extra careful as to where one mounts the TV. As the contractor would usually mount it on an additional piece of wood which offers not much protection from EMF radiation. 1.4 As there are many brands and models of TV sets; majority of the TV sets do have EMF as high as 20+ milliGauss (mG) or more. In this instance, my EMF meter only reads up to 20+.1 point
The swimming pool in your backyard or condominium contains a common chemical used in your house for disinfecing and cleaning. In the past, when I was young, went weekly to the Chinese Swimming Club. Constantly the shower area would be damp and wet. But surprisingly, there is totally no greenish / black algae found anywhere in the dressing / bathing area. This is because, chlorine, the chemical used in the swimming pool kills most bacteria and it controls algae. Today, some of the cleaning liquids contains the simple chemical chlorine. And instead of scraping furiously to remove algae from a toilet. Just spray on the chlorine and presto! Algae growth halts in it's roots - totally - for a while that is... So, you think that swimming pool of yours is clean? Many swimming pools have additional chemicals not found in this simple chlorine. Urea! This is a real life case study involving blocks of flats that are symbollically joined" together. In addition, the swimming pool can be considered as a stagnant pool of water since, there is minimal interaction of the water with its surrounding. This development has two miserable, water spouts located at locations marked `B' that spouts very little water into the pool. Please go thru this graphic illustration, to have an understanding of the problems. Here, it is said that the Dragon Qi cannot flow in and out of this development. If the developers were `smart' they should make a `hole' at the centre of this U shape. Much like the earlier condo reviewed i.e. The Sterling Condominium (as a reference). Or space the condo like the Cote D'azur or The Tropica. The Tropical is in a u shaped configuration. And other than the back blocks, many of the blocks are distinctively individual blocks not joined together. This forms the basis of dragon qi flowing harmoniously within development. If you are new and have time, do search for The Sterling The Tropica for more ideas of what I meant (above). Warmest Regards, Cecil1 point
Part 5: Male Breadwinner and the inauspicious Fire at Heaven's Gate 1. Do a search in this forum for " Fire at Heaven's Gate ". 2. Generally, a kitchen especially if a stove is directly at the NW cardinal point will be inauspicious for the male-head of the house. Typically this can affect him. 3. This is because NW under the Ba Gua Trigram belongs to the Heaven (sign). And NW also represents the male-head elder of the house. 4. Thus in simple terms: turning on a stove at NW will burn one's Heaven luck = not lucky and also may affect the male-head elder's career. 5. If you have done so many review as I have, even in a ranking exercise; I can pick out stacks/units in my mind that has this concern. And flag it to the potential purchaser. 6. Thus for this development HDB Tampines GreenDew, I picked one example. Here, stack 173 as shown below has the kitchen within the NW sector:- There are other stacks/units with the same concern. But I will just stop, here. This being one of the example.1 point
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master this is really tip top FS master work! Really detailed and I hope that many customers will come to you1 point
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Wah Sifu you Lee Hai... My agent friend 5 units ended up nothing. Want to cry also no tears.1 point
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Firstly, no offence. As I trying to be frank with you. A Traditional Chinese person consider the Trigrams scared and taboo. Thus, do not consider every using these symbols as a "decorative" piece or item. Well, that's it!1 point
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T Must be exactly the same height + from an opening at the opposite home facing it. Thus even if it is the same stack but higher or lower than the pointed roof... not an issue.1 point
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White picket fence is very common in Scandinavia , almost all are white and it fits nicely to all the green nature. White there represent clean and new.1 point
Although it is U shaped.. it is not in a smooth traditional "font" style. More like modern type font. This reminds me of the latest logo found on recently launched HP notebooks.1 point
Looks pretty much correct. Other than the Livia at Pasir Ris where the toilets are some kind of moulded materials with some polycarbonate materials. In my opinion, so far, 99.99 percent of the time, all walls surrounding the toilets are solid. For practical reasons ... to avoid moulds or baterial to form and cause illness.1 point
For HDB flats such as HDB Park Grove (this block is yet to T.O.P. I have been to it's Sister block. Thus know that inner walls are dry walls. But take a look at the exterior. Virtually can't tell if the interior uses dry wall partitions or not. Even can't tell from the layout plans. Only know when one enters the unit and knock, knock on the walls.1 point
Agree. The logic that nothing can ever be built above a pool. Save demolishing the entire development. LOL1 point
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such detailed and comprehensive explanation. I understand perfectly and I totally agree. Primary colors (bright red, green, blue and yellow) and pastel colors. If I choose to see bright pink as fire and pale pink as earth, that's my personal decision, but a primary color will always be considered first, acknowledging also BaZi. Yes, many authors and websites make use of people's fears and push "magical" objects to buy from them. "OMG #5 is in this sector this month. Choose to buy from our Feng Shui Supermarket a rotten tomato, an oversized rhynocerous or a frog that talks to exhaust the malicious star and bring you wealth" Never bought and don't plan to do so from these, like you said in another article, Fast Food Feng Shui. Also I wanted to ask about Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter), San Sha (Three Killings) and Sui Po. I've read about how every year they sit in different directions and recommendations are given like to sit, not to sit, to face, confront, not to confront, not to disturb, no renovations, ground breaking etc. besides the usual selling technique: "here buy this product to help you neutralize" Are these to be considered when applying Feng Shui (to sit, not to confront, no renovations etc.) or they have no real influence and it is to be considered another scare tactic used to sell products?1 point
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If the trees are higher than the lightning rods, there is a high probability of lightning striking the trees. In a few places, I have been; I have seen how lightning strike a tree. And near to this tree, lightning took a chunk out of the side brick.. as it tries to find it's way to the earth. The danger of lightning is that one will never hear it coming. As by the time it does strike... the sound of it will come too late. Thus, if there is any sign of potential rain, best to keep clear of the sky garden! Pronto! If one should be caught in a thunderstorm... the safest is to go into that trellis area. As it's roof would have lightning rods that have metal trailing towards the ground....1 point
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Haha, in my humble opinion: Small = 99 units or less, Medium = 100 - 499 units, Large = 500 units or more.1 point
This plot reminds me of the Tip or apex of Upper Serangoon Road. Where around 3 or 4 years ago the last few developments had maxed out the apex of Upper Serangoon Road e.g. HDB Hougang Capeview. Both this plot and HDB Hougang Capeview have in common is that they are on the "morning sun side". This Yishun plot is also at apex of Yishun Ave 1 before it turns towards Seletar west aerospace industry. Thanks to the Seletar Highway..and Seletar aerospace industry the accessibility to this site is a plus point. The difference is that water view units would have to content with Yishun Ave 1 /Ave 8 traffic noise. But a wonderful morning view of Lower Seletar Reservoir. Once this site is up; majority of the once virgin land at the upper stretch of Yishun Avenue 1 would be almost built-up. Good Luck to all new purchases of these four new plots. Overall, there four plots don't look too bad based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. In particular the Marsiling plot is squarish. Except that one has to be more careful of units close-by to the petrol station and the spine of the cross on a church. As this can be considered as a poison arrow.1 point
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A recipie for cancer or put in in a nicer way... potential for cancer when the washing machine ... In the past this was unheard of until recent years. Even if the unit is not a shoe-box size.. the kitchen indeed is... [ ] Looks like one has to have a habit of making sure not to use the washer or washer cum dryer or a standalone dryer especially during cooking. Especially if there is a function to increase heat causing the vapours to deposit onto food etc... Must adopt a habit of cleaning table tops before placing cooked or food preparation... As most units have the washing machine in the same kitchen space. Depending on the layout; some even have the washer beside the stove... Only a few bigger stacks are more fortunate with the washer on a separate room/area.1 point
Further to what I had mentioned; If I were to make a guess... Lets say you post this question to 10 geomancers. And each of them come back to you. My guess would be:- A to B = 3 out of 10 C to D = 5 out of 10 E to F = 4 out of 10 Well, I could be wrong.1 point
Case Study 1A: Not ideal if a common bin is beside the main door of an EC/condo or facing it's main door. 1. What is the tell tale sign that the unit does not have an internal rubbish bin? 1.1. Try to locate something similar to this in the service yard or kitchen of the unit: 2. If the above is not present in the unit. Most likely, there is a central rubbish bin at the common lobby of this block. 3. Else, the tell tale sign is shown in yellow:- 3.1. Yes, this unit does have a rubbish bin within it's own unit. 3.2. Many ECs and condos today do not have an internal rubbish bin in their unit. 3.2. If so, do find out. As most ECs/condos do not show their exact location in their Sales Brochure. 4.1 Even if the rubbish bin has a door, it is still not ideal under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. Location of photos (above): Ecopolitan EC 4.2 May affect re-sale value. This is true if in the future, a potential buyer may themselves and/or bring along a geomancer to view the unit:- 5. Inconsiderate Neighbours? 5.1 For example, Neighbours continues to leave rubbish outside the bin area. 5.2 one cannot just stand around the bin area to "confront a neighbour doing so". Which may result in bad relations. 5.3. In Bellewaters EC, the central rubbish bins are less obvious. 5.3.1. As the developer placed a small bin icon discretely on the TOP-right corner of the bin door. 5.3.2. Harder to notice if one is not actively looking out for the location of a bin. Nevertheless, in a resale; most geomancers may actively take this into consideration. 5.3.3. In this new development, my client asked for a proper block layout plan: 5.3.4. In the above block layout, are you able to see the common rubbish bin next to stack #13’s main door? 5.3.5. Some Condos/ECs Plan their central rubbish bins at a corner of the block. For example, in the Westwood Residences EC, this can be found next to the emergency staircase. 5.3.6. However, no matter how; The Central rubbish bin may still be close-to a unit:- 5.3.7. Shown Block 184, stack 11-11 d’nest condo by CDL chose to concentrate two central rubbish bins tuck at a niche solely meant just for rubbish bin disposal. 5.3.8. Thus even if it has a recycle bin plus a common bin; this design is similar to many HDB developments. 5.3.9. In fact, my first encounter was The Sail at Marina by CDL; which also has two bins tucked at a niche way back when it first T.O.P. 6. The Hillion at Bukit Panjang’s central rubbish bin is at the lift lobby and next to a lift:- 6.1. The developer Sim Lian went one step further and took a leaf out of HDB’s central rubbish bin centre and placed one identical to each and every HDB with a foot assisted bin opening. 6.2. In addition, there is a small recess area + a drain for the Cleaners to wash these bins. 6.3. Practical refinement:- 6.4. This illustration shows the rubbish bin can be seen at the main entrance of stack #14 of The Criterion: 6.5. Here, some consider this also less than ideal. As it can be considered equally bad to have a main entrance facing a rubbish chute. An overzealous geomancer may also advice their clients to avoid purchasing such a resale unit in the near future. 6.6. Is there a difference between The Central rubbish bins at a condo vs that of a modern HDB flat? 6.7. HDB is generous to provide a special lobby for their rubbish bins as shown below. Each rubbish bin lobby also has a water pipe for the Cleaners to occasionally wash the entire area. 6.8. Lower floor area to make sure that water does not flow or flood the surrounding walkway. Case Study 1B: I have inconsiderate neighbours who frequently spill "liquid waste" (unintentionally or intentionally = not sure?) along the corridor right to the front of the common bin. 1. What happens if one has inconsiderate neighbours that not only stains the flooring with "liquid" waste? 2. Hopefully, this should not be a common occurrence..spilled waste... 3. If one has inconsiderate neigbhours and the bin is next to one's main door. 3.1. Cannot possible stand there the whole day to see who is the culprit. Plus.. may result in bad-blood. 3.2. Similarly, what happens if a neighbour simply places their rubbish on the floor? 3.2.1. An obstruction as well as an eye-sore. 4. Often, such events may lead to bad-blood between neighbours. 5. In conclusion, if the common bin is at the lobby, do this:-1 point
1. Please note that under ALL periods #2 and #5 are always considered bad stars with the EXCEPTION that:- 1.1 Under Period 2 : Since the reigning number is #2 for this period, #2 will turn good for that specific 20 years. But usually from past experience; especially the last few years of the decline of say period 2, better watch out for #2 also as it will slowly "turned bad". 1.2 Similiarly, only under Period 5, will #5 "turn good". In some periods, it may be good if it becomes one of the "future" or "future, future prosperity" stars as mentioned under Para 2, below. 2. From past messages, I have mentioned:- 3. Under current period 8 (1984 to 2023), the three "critical" wealth stars are: #8 = current prosperity ( 0 to roughly 2 years luck range) #9 = future prosperity (2 to 5 years luck) #1 = future, future prosperity (5 to 10 years luck) 4. From 2024 onwards to the next 20 years, #9 takes over as the current prosperity star: thus: #9 = current prosperity #1 = future prosperity #2 = future, futureprosperity (Thus under 2024 onwards, #2 becomes the future, future prosperity star) Please note that "earth elements" are always there in every season. Thus between seasons, earth element becomes strong.1 point
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