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Two DBSS flats at The Peak @ Toa Payoh resold for more than $1 million dollars...

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Please note that I can immediately recall three large estates of approximately 500 units each that also has tilted main doors:DFF62159-3BF3-47B6-957F-062BCE2289A4.png.ff46bb6a9586a83948818215bb6d3a9e.png

1. ex-HUDC Laguna Park = 500 units
2. ex-HUDC Laguna View = 500 units and
3. ex-HUDC Braddel Heights = 500 units

All of the flats T.O.P. sometime around 1977-1978.

Because of their large square feet many of the Type B flats approximately 1,600sq  feet or more costs more than a million doors etc... (Type A flats are approximately 1,400sq feet).

Tilted doors thus exists today but fewer but still around in many older estates. (Although not that common).

Below: Highlighted in yellow: Laguna Park. While Laguna View is to the right of this map:-

laguna park on the left.png

ex-HUDC Braddel View flats still there. Just that the estate was privatised today:-


In general, tilted doors does not automatically have a stigma of bad Feng Shui. 

In fact, contrary to such grandmother’s tale; why then are Feng Shui Masters today still insists that their clients tilt their main doors.

Do search for “ Castle Gate Theory” the likes of Hyatt Hotel at Orchard...

A search reveals 39 articles on Castle Gate in this forum:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks master Lee. Somehow I can’t insert image. But your explanation above answers my question. Thank you.


can I also ask .. my balcony is actually southeast facing. Although my door is facing north. Given that I am likely to keep the balcony open and the door closed, does it take precedence over my door facing direction when determining if it affects my luck? My Kua number is 7. Both north and south-east is not good for my Kua but i think south-east is worst than north. 

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