Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 12, 2019 Staff Share Posted November 12, 2019 Plantation Village Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans plantation-village.pdfFetching info... HDB Sales Information Bounded by Tengah Drive and Plantation Crescent, Plantation Village is conveniently located next to an upcoming MRT station. The development comprises 15 residential blocks with heights ranging from 6 to 15 storeys. With a Neighbourhood Centre located within the development, Plantation Village will offer a wide range of dining and shopping options right next to home. Restaurants, shops, a childcare centre, an education centre, and a Residents' Committee Centre are conveniently located here as well. Landscaped courtyards and roof gardens within Plantation Village are designed for residents to meet and interact with each other, and foster a strong community spirit at Plantation Village. Outdoor facilities such as fitness stations and playgrounds can be found within Plantation Village, as well as at the adjacent common green. You can choose from 1,420 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, 4-, and 5-room flats. About Plantation District Key amenities such as a Community Club, Neighbourhood Centre, and a shopping street will line the Plantation Farmway, making it a vibrant spot for residents to gather. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 12, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 12, 2019 HDB Information: Expected Lease Commencement Date falls within Flying Star Feng Shui Period borderline of 8 / 9 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 13, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 13, 2019 Case Study 1: Look out for the location of the common rubbish chute lobby with two bins each: Recyle and common bins. 1. Today all HDB bin lobbys have two bins: a recycle bin and a common bin. 2. Under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, it is best to avoid purchasing two stacks: Block 125A stack #275 and Block 125B stack #277. 3. There is a stigma attached to the common bin / bin lobby visible from the main door. 3.1. It is difficult to shake-off stigmas. For example, just imagine having visitors to your unit. And having to hear: "How come you buy such a unit?" or "I read somewhere that it is inauspicious like this." 3.2. Your family invested money and now.. perhaps feel uneasy about it. Furthermore, in the near future, adding salt to one's wound; potential buyers will try to "low-ball" you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 13, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 13, 2019 Case Study 2: Although this link is primarily for ECs/condos; however, is quite useful as general knowledge... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 18, 2019 Case Study 3: Any concern with the Bin Centre (Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System) PWCS? 1. Common sense says to avoid purchasing a unit just beside the PWCS. 2. Thus #231 #233 and #235 should be your last conseration! 3. There is always a stigma with stacks/units facing the PWCS especially stacks 267 and 265. In addition, these two stacks are also directly facing the PWCS + Electrical Sub-station. 4. Contrast this to HDB Tampines Green Glen where the PWCS is literally out-of-sight and out-of-mind.2. This PWCS is neatly tucked away with the Electrical Sub-Station (ESS) attched to the MSCP. Kudos there! Not this development-:( 5. Conservatively, or in our local language, let's be Kiasu and Kiasee and TRY, yes TRY to avoid purchasing a unit within the RED boxed area! 6. If you really don't have a choice.. at least purchase a unit that looks away from the PWCS. Further stacks such as 241 seems okay. Stacks 273 and 275 maybe okay.. But I will discuss these two stacks in another Part/Case Study as these stacks especially low floors may face into the Precinct Pavilion. 7. However, if one has heard the nightmare / education required / several circulars of some exisiting condos e.g. CDL developments like The Venue etc... their is some learning curve as to what not to throw into the respective unit's common bins. 7.1. Else, the management or for this case the Town Council may frequently sent circulars "not to abuse" these bins. 7.2. For CDL developments... above these PWCS, there is often a signage with as many as 8 or more icons telling people not to throw this, or that or that... ! Related resource : Case Study 4: Any concern with the Bin Centre (PneumaticWaste Conveyance System) PWCS?1. Great that for HDB Tampines Green Glen, the PWCS is literally out-of-sight and out-of-mind.2. This PWCS is neatly tucked away with the Electrical Sub-Station (ESS) attched to the MSCP. Kudos,... Need some learning curve.. as residents at a recent development found out... High Park Residences at Fernvale, Sengkang.. Paid a visit on 8.12.2019... True enough.. a RED Notice placed directly on the Refuse Chute door: " NO BULKY ITEMS SHOULD BE THROWN INTO THIS PNEUMATIC SYSTEM" Previously CDL project also had this issue: The Venue at Potong Pasir... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 18, 2019 Case Study 4: Potential Sha Qi (Poison arrow) from sharp corner of neighbouring development aimed towards four stacks in HDB Plantation Village 1. It is highly possible that these four stacks: #217, #341, #405 & #461 may be affected from sharp corner of neighbouring development's sharp corner. 2. Please note that this list may not be exhaustive. As I did a quick sampling of this estate. 3. Often if the sharp corner has to be aimed towards a unit's opening such as the living room window(s) and or a bedroom window to be classified as a poison arrow. 4. To be 100% sure, it is best to be physically present at the unit.. standing inside all windows and looking outwards to check. 4.1. If the sharp corner or poison arrow is aimed towards the middle windows of the living room.. harder to cure.. given that it is not possible to draw down the curtains all day long. 4.2. Often a simple cure is: "If cannot see the threat, it no longer becomes an issue".... 5. On the safe side... do be hesitant.. when looking at these stacks.. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 18, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 18, 2019 Case Study 5: Is there any issue if my unit looks into the Precinct Pavilion (PP)? 1. The main concern is that wakes/funerals are unplanned. And sometimes, it may even occur during one's festive day such as 1st or 2nd day of Chinese New Year. 2. Frankly, newer developments seems to have less funeral or wake activities than aging estates. But we may never know, here. 3. If possible, try to avoid low floors (e.g. at least 2nd to 5th storeys) of these stacks:- #273 #275 #277 #279 #429 #431 3.1 While if there are activities, here, one may hear sounds coming from the PP:- #245 #271 #281 #307 #423 #475 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 19, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 19, 2019 Case 6A: Type 1 Sha Qi from potential poison arrow(s) from a neighbouring Block's sharp corner 1. There are potential poison arrows, here:- From #227 aimed towards #209 From #289 aimed towards #309 From #295 aimed towards #327 From #455 aimed towards #473 From #467 aimed towards #211 2. How can I be sure that these stacks/units are 100% affected? 2.1. As mentioned under above Case Study 4, the only certainty is to be physically on-site to confirm this. For example, hopefully the sharp corner is not aimed towards an open window of a unit. Note: This is a sampling exercise. And it is not exhaustive to identify other potential poison arrows (if any). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 19, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 19, 2019 Case 6B: Type 2 Sha Qi from potential poison arrow(s) where the unit faces the side of another unit. 1. In this example, stack #285 is affected by the Type 2 Sha Qi. The Sha Qi comes from stack #309. 2. In addition from around 12pm and depending on the floor level of the unit, the frontage of stack #309 also also get the reflected sunlight glare from the sidewall of stack #309. 3. Thus the higher one's unit is at #309, the longer the duration of exposure to this glare. 4. The glare from the sidewall of #309 also depends on the painted exterior wall. If the wall is painted white or light colours.. the higher the intensity of the glare perhaps around 12pm to maybe even 3 or 3.40pm. 5. In addition, from stack #285, one can also look towards the yard area of both stacks #311 and #309. More examples of Type 2 Sha Qi can be found under this link:- x Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 23, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted November 23, 2019 Case Study 7: The unit numbering of this development always ends at a odd number. 1. For example: #03-395, #05-391 etc... 2. Thus there will never be a #04-144, #14-44 etc... As some Chinese consider such numbers inauspicious. 3. As these are at least three digit numbers other than the floor levels, there is also no "13". 4. Actually this unlucky number 13 has more to do with a western influence: 4.1. In my opinion Singapore Airlines in the past adopted this perhaps felt that they should pamper the westerners ... and till this day.. in all my flights at the front of the plane, where I sit around these numbers, 4.2. I always try to observe it. And yes, so far, I yet to see a #13 seat Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 11, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted December 11, 2019 Case Study 8: Flying Star Feng Shui of Plantation Village 1. Predominantly, this development has stacks that are: N2, S2, E2, W2, NE2, NW2 and SW2 facing directions. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 12, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted December 12, 2019 earlier LTA MRT Map 2019 with Tengah, Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park MRT Stations... Latest LTA MRT map... without Future lines and their stations... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashuri Posted December 22, 2019 Share Posted December 22, 2019 On 12/11/2019 at 2:48 AM, Cecil Lee said: Case Study 8: Flying Star Feng Shui of Plantation Village 1. Predominantly, this development has stacks that are: N2, S2, E2, W2, NE2, NW2 and SW2 facing directions. Expand hello, good day to you. I am consider block 129C, unit 485, do you think the unit will be too hot?? Looking forward for your reply. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 22, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted December 22, 2019 On 12/22/2019 at 9:10 AM, Ashuri said: hello, good day to you. I am consider block 129C, unit 485, do you think the unit will be too hot?? Looking forward for your reply. Expand Yes definitely. Below: For confidentiality all ranking details are masked out ranking for HDB 5 bedroom types. Will also have quite similar considerations also for 4 Bedrooms etc.. This development's various stacks has many considerations.. as can be seen via the Sample Legends.. starting from A to U. And certainly, 485 will be added with a 485A. Since difficult for neigbouring development to shield this stack. Where if one sees the Legend below A = Expect afternoon sun .... all year round.. on sunny days... Generally this is a glimpse of what factors to look out for when selecting a unit in Plantation Village:- P.S. For confidentiality, not all details are shown. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 22, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted December 22, 2019 Often, when I walk past a Feng Shui Products Store.. cannot help but shaking my head... as these stores give Feng Shui a bad name. Source and Credit: Channel News Asia:- Read with interest: "The death of the department store.." Also anticipate with interest: "When the buying Stops, the selling Can!" So goes also the death of these Feng Shui Product Stores.. LOL Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 22, 2019 Author Staff Share Posted December 22, 2019 Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Products Store in disguise. Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?" Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
SYYG Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 Hello Shifu. Hope to get your valuable input on the unit I am eyeing for Tengah BTO Nov 2019. I am looking at Block 127B, #14-397 (circled it on the map). All seems good now: North facing, not near big bins and pavilion etc, shouldnt get afternoon sun, near to new mrt but not too near to hear the tracks (i think) etc.. Are there any other things I should take note? maybe the numbers or something? Thank you in advance Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 12, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted January 12, 2020 Frankly one of the better choice for this estate. Very minor is that every last six months of the year, slight afternoon sun on the frontage (approximately 3 degrees from west). No major concern, here. Numbers? One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Frankly so long as not infamous numbers like 4 44 would generally be whatever one wants it to be. Nor does it adversely the resale value is good enough. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 13, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted January 13, 2020 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cedric Posted February 11, 2020 Share Posted February 11, 2020 Greeting sir, Initially in the tengah project, my first few choices was 127B unit 395 however all high floors are chosen. May I ask your opinion on 126C unit 351? Or should I go with 127B low floor compared to 126C high floor? Thank you for your advice. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 11, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted February 11, 2020 On 2/11/2020 at 8:45 AM, Cedric said: Greeting sir, Initially in the tengah project, my first few choices was 127B unit 395 however all high floors are chosen. May I ask your opinion on 126C unit 351? Or should I go with 127B low floor compared to 126C high floor? Thank you for your advice. Expand Frankly, this must be your first home. For sure many experienced buyers will certainly not touch 351. (Even if one is a West Group person). As the frontage faces true West at 270 degrees. Where most likely from 12pm onwards to even as late as 4pm.. hot, hot hot.. Here, I am not comparing to your best choice or low floors for that matter. Stigmas and reality like "afternoon sun" can also.... More... 7th Choice = *NE2-xxEFHT @W2-351A @W2-xxxA Legend: @ = Client wanted to wait, do renovations and move-in during Period 9: S2 -> Auspicous Double #9's at North or rear of the unit for S2. Which means Period 9 wealth luck is wasted at the kitchen area. SE2 -> Auspicous Double #9's at NW or rear of the unit for SE2. Which means Period 9 wealth luck is wasted at the kitchen area. SW2 -> Auspicous Double #9's at NE or rear of the unit for SW2. Which means Period 9 wealth luck is wasted at the kitchen area. W2 -> Auspicous Double #9's at East or rear of the unit for W2. Which means Period 9 wealth luck is wasted at the kitchen area. A = Expect afternoon sun all year round at the frontage of the unit. For stack #433, high floors will encounter more afternoon sun. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cedric Posted March 5, 2020 Share Posted March 5, 2020 Dear Sir, May I ask for your advice on Blk128A unit 423? Like how’s this unit as whole, where’s my wealth sector and bad sector. Appreciate if you can enlighten me with your knowledge. Thank you Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 5, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 5, 2020 On 3/5/2020 at 9:28 AM, Cedric said: Dear Sir, May I ask for your advice on Blk128A unit 423? Like how’s this unit as whole, where’s my wealth sector and bad sector. Appreciate if you can enlighten me with your knowledge. Thank you Expand Enlighten? Under this thread, please scroll up and one can find (snapshot) of the following:- Or click here Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sincere Homebuyer Posted June 13, 2020 Share Posted June 13, 2020 Dear Shifu, I'm a first-time home buyer considering this plantation village project, however as most of the better units have been selected already. I would like to seek your advise on 2 types of stigmas you've mentioned in your post. Could you kindly advise if one were to choose between a unit which would potentially be hotter like #429 (Blk128B) which is South-West facing versus a unit near the PWCS like #271 (Blk125A), which unit would you advise to go for? Which type of stigmas is worse in your view? I'm sure your advise would benefit all the new home buyers like me. Thank you in advance! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 13, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted June 13, 2020 On 6/13/2020 at 4:13 AM, Sincere Homebuyer said: Dear Shifu, I'm a first-time home buyer considering this plantation village project, however as most of the better units have been selected already. I would like to seek your advise on 2 types of stigmas you've mentioned in your post. Could you kindly advise if one were to choose between a unit which would potentially be hotter like #429 (Blk128B) which is South-West facing versus a unit near the PWCS like #271 (Blk125A), which unit would you advise to go for? Which type of stigmas is worse in your view? I'm sure your advise would benefit all the new home buyers like me. Thank you in advance! Expand 1. Previously ranked #429 as 6th choice. While #271 as a Last Resort. 2. I have preserved the Legends that go with these two stacks. 3. Please note that in this example, client had specially asked that their Can or Cannot Buy review be tailored to Period 9. As they are planning only to move-in on or during Period 9. (This is prior to the poor handling of COVID-19 in Singapore = construction industry.) Which means that it is possible for a slowdown- delay for this development. This plausible that key collection can be in Period 9.) 4. Actually, there is a THIRD Stigma for both the stacks/units that you are looking at. That of a long corridor. Reference: Under the above resource: Case Study 5: Potential Sha Qi from a "long corridor" towards a unit's main entrance door 5. Many first time buyers; often who had stayed in an afternoon sun home would seriously think about avoiding such a home in their next purchase. This would account also for why often I always add a Legend such as an "A" or "B" and rank these stacks/units lower. 6. If one checks one of the past postings, another existing HDB development which had a PWCS.. there were many complaints about the smells / stench...for the last four (4) years! 6.2. Thus #271 is along the wind-path even if it is not in sight of the PWCS. Good luck if this estate also has inconsiderate residents like that of an existing HDB Yuhua BTO. 6.3. See the next Thread which I had extracted this posting:- 6.4. Extract of Case Study 15B: Plight of residents of HDB Yuhua BTO which was installed also with the Pneumatic Waste Collection System (PWCS). 7. Personally, based on my own personal preference, I will always avoid staying in an afternoon sun home. What is worse is if there is a "forever" stench! 8. To me, afternoon sun house is like the deep blue sea. While the home that is near to a PWCS is like the devil. 9. Thus if no choice, would rather choose the deep blue sea than the devil.. LOL Unless both the devil and the deep blue sea also kena the stench... FAINT! 10. Frankly, if it’s me, I will steer clear of any HDB/EC/condo that has a PWCS. Why? It ain’t compulsory, yet. Given that unfortunately... our society is still not “up” there... No amount of warning notices can make a PWCS working well 24/7 364/5 days a year! 10.1. Imagine if this estate for the wrong reasons share the same issues with HDB Yuhua BTO. Even if one.’s unit is not directly affected by the stench... the bad publicity may translate to poor resale value or Low ball offers. (Maybe the close proximity of the MRT can help tilt this balance?) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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