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East Door House Facing Orientation North South

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1. For a landed property, it is best to determine which is your home's facing direction:

1.1 Very often, the frontage is accessed via a road parallel to the main entrance. And again, the frontage is often where the living room is located.

1.2 Most homes, again often have say the living room area (with some view thru some windows / sliding panels out of the home) and where usually, the kitchen , backyard or even laundry area behind the home. If so, the frontage should usually be standing say inside the living room looking outwards. (Note: if the main door shares this same wall then, reading can be taken from the main door facing outwards).

1.3 We should try to use the guideline under para 1.2. Thus, if you enter your house via east or via west (side of the house) this should not be counted as the frontage.

2. The most reliable indicator is to applying Flying Star Feng Shui. And in general, for an East group person(s), the better facing directions also have some ranking:-

3. Thus in general,

Ranking 1 - Especially Flying Star Period 8, South 2 (S2) has one of the best qi because it has the excellent double auspicious #8 current prosperity star(s) at it's mouth (frontage).

Ranking 2 - East facing
Ranking 3 - South East facing
Ranking 4(or Last) - North facing (not very exciting stars -- in many otherareas or sectors of the flying starchart).

Thus, even for an East group persion,there is a vast different in "luck" if one stays in say a South 2 vs a North 2, home.

4. For a landed property, drainage out of the property and drains or canals flowing beside, behind the home has serious consequences, also.

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1. Based on the layout and exterior such as pool, family room at the South sector of the home; one should take advantage of this "facing" direction.

2. Here, based on your compass marking on the layout plan, if this home is a Period 8 (2004 onwards) home, it should be a S2/3 Flying Star home. Where the homecan really benefit from the double auspicous #8 at the South compass direction.

3. In additionthe pool is located at South / South-West sector of the home. Again, if the home is a S2/3 it can benefit with real waterthat straddles these two sectors. By the way, water at SW = indirect water wealth sector.

4.Thus, it does not matter that your home's main door is "East" facing. Even if oneuses this door, it is only temporarily, I mean the qi flow will still come either from the North or South.

5. If you are an "East" facing person then more so for you to benefit greatly if the home's qi can be at South. As mentioned above, South homes have better qi then North homes.

6. The idea, here is to make all your family's activityarea centred around the family room - instead of the location of the living room is. Thusmake full use of the patio, dining cumfamily room for all family activities.

7. Perhaps, the living room can be "converted" into a study or a "family" room and vice versa.

8. The number 436 can be interpreted via so many methods of numerology. And depending on the numerology method, the outcome can vary vastly.


Can you guide me on some clarification, I understand that my front door needs to be facing East.

The front door floor plan orientation faces East but the orientation of the house itself is North to South.

The number of the house is 436 will this have an effect?

Also comment what ifI move into a house with a North or South facing front door what effect will this have? Can I justorganise the internal rooms as it where a east facing house for good sectors?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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