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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. o.k., thank you for the helpful information. Have a great day! Hello Mr. Lee, Are the dates that show up on the calendar the calendar date in China or America? Thank you
  2. BEWARE OF THIS AGE-OLD FENG SHUI SCAM BEWARE OF THIS AGE-OLD FENG SHUI SCAM No wonder, Feng Shui suffers from a bad reputation, today Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui. But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one: Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why. Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES! On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away! ASK! MUST I BUY FROM YOU? When the buying Stops! The selling Can! Yes! Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?"
  3. Blame this also on Poor Feng Shui?
  4. Do you know that many things some of us associate with Feng Shui (FS) can be explained clearly and may not be FS?
  5. 1. A house affected by a T-Junction is based primarily with Common Sense. 2. But often this is mixed or somehow the blame is placed onto Feng Shui. 3. In fact, 99.9% of the time it affects a landed home. 4. Where common sense says, if a vehicle for one reason or another cannot stop in time and unfortunately plow into the gate or fence of a home and some eventually also smashed into the frontage of a home. 5. Thus for one second, imagine during the above situation, two kids of the residents of the home were found playing in that house - garden. And got injured or killed by the run-away vehicle. 6. So does this sound so mysterious as to call it POOR Feng Shui? 7. PURE COMMON SENSE (PCS) is transparent. But often many of us have clouded visions and cannot see PCS clearly. 7.1 .Pure Common sense is FREE. Pure Common sense no need one to have a degree in any subject. 8. Below are some references. And if one can see majority or all the examples are that of LANDED homes. 9. Unless one is staying at Storey #02, no vehicle can fly into a #03 unit. Unless of course, one is making a stunt movie of sorts. LOL References: House A and B are considered to be at a T-junction. Touchwood! It depends how unlucky if a vehicle could run into either or the homes. By the way, house A is protected by “Jesus” .. a Christian cross ... see it? +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++ 10. However, don't be too happy, first. 11. The home you mentioned may be subjected to this thing called "Tian Zhan Sha". 12. And again, it is based purely on science and logic. One can even say it is also Feng Shui.
  6. The 12 Habits of Feng Shui Luck System: What is Habit Number 1? ...
  7. WHAT IS THE SUPERIOR FENG SHUI SHAPE OF A HOUSE? WHY SO? This was posted in the Business Feng Shui Thread. It equally applies to the Feng Shui of homes. The more squarish a home / apartment is the safer in terms of GOOD Feng Shui. LEARN WHY? Why some homes have no issue even if the floor plan is not squarish or rectangular? Part 1 of 3 = How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? [30 marks] Part 2 of 3 = How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit? [35 marks] Part 3 of 3 = External Feng Shui luck? [35 marks] + Overall score/grade [Total = 100 marks]. The above will help to understand why some homes are like a 10 year old 1,000 cc car. While others are like a luxury Mercedes E or S Class and/or BMW 5,6 or 7 series car. LOL
  8. A case [THIS CASE] of throwing mud on a wall and hope it sticks? Unfortunately, it DID!
  9. No offence, this reminds me of someone applying Hmm.... Fast Food Feng Shui If Feng Shui is to be applied, then recommended is at least - Habit No. 1....
  10. Block 381, Majority Units: Period 7, Flying Star NE2 NE2 Luck depends on the Layout Plan
  11. Block 383, Majority Units: Period 7, Flying Star NW2 NW2 enjoy better luck from 2024 till 2043
  12. Source & Credit: Made this for a friend's wedding (Best groomsman kit ever) https://www.facebook.com/reel/1635835107250130?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs
  13. An In-depth understanding of the Frontage of a home. Is it always the main door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist. What lead to the Conservatives use of the Main Door only? 1. Who are the Conservatives and the Modernists? 2. An in-depth understanding of why the Conservatives has misunderstood the knowledge passed down by the ancients. For High Rise Compass Reading should be taken from the living room looking out of it. For eg. towards the living room windows or its balcony (if applicable)
  14. Claremont Unit #04 Layout Standing inside the living room looking out is the service yard of units at River Valley Court ++++++++++++++++++ Period 7 E2 facing unit
  15. Clint Eastwood @ 94 years of age says... “Do not look for luxury in watches or bracelets, do not look for luxury in forks or sails. “Luxury is laughter and friends, luxury is rain on your face, luxury is hugs and kisses. Don't look for luxury in shops, don't look for it in gifts, don't look for it at parties, don't look for it at events. Luxury is being loved by people, luxury is being respected, luxury is having parents alive, luxury is being able to play with your grand children, luxury is what money can't buy.
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