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  1. Dear Simon, Don't worry about it. I understand that you are very young and not the bread winner (not yet I guess). For you, empasis should be placed in your bedroom. One important consideration under Feng Shui is that your Ba Zhi (Eight Characters), for example, the colours of the room should not `clash' with your personal element. You can also take advantage of the Eight House Theory i.e. sleep and study facing one of your good directions. Wishing you continued success in your studies! Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 8:49 AM Subject: Death Sector
  2. Hi, Feng Shui should be personalized to an individual to be effective. The most common question asked is: Can something so general be applied to everyone of us? The answer is No. Similiarly, even a " famous Feng Shui Master " should not say that it can apply to anyone. In the Internet or around you, do question any Feng Shui Practioner. Ask them what is the reason for saying so. Each person who says something should backup their words with a reasonal explanation or if it based only on their opinion, I guess, each of us have the right to judge for ourselves. Another way of looking at this situation is, what was mentioned by this " famous Feng Shui Master " does not go down well with the Eight House Theory or the Flying Star Theory. (Both originate from the same Compass School). For example, even in the Eight House Theory, there are Eight personalized directions. So each of us belong to one. In the Flying Star Chart for the house, each 15 degrees of the compass point, provides a different Flying Star calculations. I leave you to judge for yourself, if what was said can be applied to everyone of us. Another viewpoint is that South-West happens to be the Devil's backdoor! Please read this short article I wrote earlier http://www.geomancy.net/fs/gate.htm Furthermore, SW direction is a Yin direction. Warmest Regards Cecil From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 5:44 PM Subject: house facing south-west direction
  3. Dear Evelyn, Frankly, I see no harm in having two small precious stone elephants. You can certainly display them proudly. Elephants are revered in India and Thailand and are considered auspicious. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 9:48 AM Subject: An elephant decorative object.
  4. Dear Thanh Huynh, Sorry, can you further elaborate what you mean by a " tray ceiling ". Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Saturday, June 12, 1999 12:22 AM Subject: Tray ceiling in master bed room
  5. I have just completed a short writeup of a true incident involving good or bad building layout derived under the Yang Zhai Shui Shui examples. This short write-up consists of three pages. The url for the first page is : http://www.geomancy.net/fs/grandpa1.htm At the bottom of this page, you can click NEXT to the second and then the third page. Happy Reading:) Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Pedro, Yes, there are a few considerations for any doors:- 1. It should always open inwards into the house. (Avoid having a door that opens outwards of the house). 2. If it is the main entrance door, the door or doors should be of equal size. The door(s) should be proportionate to the frontage or area of the house. 3. If the door is at the side, it should open towards the wall. 4. It should preferably not be in the "middle " of a room but preferred that it should be at any one of the side of the room. If not the door would be `hanging' in the " middle of the room. " Therefore priority must be given for the door to open inwards. It can be on any side of the room. Where possible, it should be facing one of your auspicious intangible force. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 7:27 PM Subject: Opening direction of doors
  7. Dear Evelyn, I strongly belief, there is truth in what you have mentioned. The most important part of a business is the front and this falls under the Shapes and Form School. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 1:27 PM Subject: Re: Wish to boost my husbands luck
  8. Dear Irina, Here are the following points to note:- 1. Ideally, the bedrooms should be one of the four auspicious directions (Health, Prosperity, Excellent or Longevity). But it is still acceptable if it is the Irritation or Spook directions. This is much better than the death / disaster location. 2. The following are useful guidelines when using the Eight House Theory:- 2.1 Where possible sleep closer to an auspicious intangible force (If this is not possible, then you do not have much choice.) 2.2 Where possible sleep with the head facing one of the auspiciious directions. But do bear in mind the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui. For example under the Four Symbolic Animals Concept (reference: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/four.htm ) - Avoid sleeping with the bed against a window or directly facing the bedroom door. - Avoid sleeping below a beam or allow poision arrows e.g. sharp corners of e.g. a study desk or a furniture aimed directly towards any part of the bed. 2.3 The Eight House Theory is simply to find our good / bad locations and it is not meant to be used to activate a location or finding a `cure' nor used to enhance beneficial Qi. 3. Under the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui I have mentioned that you should follow the guidelines of the Four Symbolic Animals. For example, even in the interior of the home, there must be a solid back e.g. for the bed and when we sleep we should not be `exposed' directly to the bedroom door. In addition, it is adviseable not to have the bed resting on the same wall as the toilet or kitchen wall. Do not display `war' toys e.g. cannons, warplanes, swords etc... in the child's room. They should be kept in drawers. For girls, it is perfectly OK to display teddy bears, soft toys etc... 4. Yin and Yang Concept. As your child is growing, the bedroom can be more `Yang' than `Yin'. Yin refers to a state of rest and quiet. For example, usually for working adults, when we come home, one location where it should be more conducive to rest or a state of Yin is the bedroom. For the child, it is good to create a more Yang environment. This includes e.g. more colourful bedsheets, walls can be more yang e.g instead of using white walls, you can give it a `brighter' coat of paint. Depending on the location a person live in, try to avoid giving children `warm' rooms. For example, at the equator, we try to avoid giving the child a room in the West wing of the house (especially if it exposed to the sun). Such a room will be warm. Even at night, the walls still retain heat. If the bed is placed here, remember to leave space between the wall and the bed. 5. In traditional Feng Shui practise, A Feng Shui Practioner will usually advise the family to paint the room with `matching' element of the child and avoid a clash with the child's eight characters or Ba Zhi. Here if the child is of the wood element, ideally, the bedroom can be painted green to match his element. Avoid white which will clash with his element. (In a very broad sense, the strength of the child's element need not be considered here if you do not want to). Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 9:20 PM Subject: Kid's bedroom
  9. Dear Linh, Yes, you are correct with regards to the toilet next to the main entrance. The two most inauspicious situations are:- 1. Having the toilet next to your home entrance (at either side). This is because the main entrance is like the `mouth' of the house and is considered important as it is considered the first location external Qi comes into the house. 2. Center of the house. Best is to keep the center clear. This is where all intangible forces congregate. A toilet in the center of the house will mean a drain in financial resources. Other situations e.g. toilet at the East, West are equally important but weigthage should be given to the above two points. Any cures? They are psuedo-cures or cures that would make us happy but unfortunately the effects can still be felt even if we do things like closing the door etc... Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 1:14 AM Subject: Which bathroom location has more inauspicious?
  10. Dear A..... T....., Apologies, this message is meant for a user who had sent me message privately but when I tried to reply, the server considered my reply as `spam'. So here goes ...... I am not sure if you have generated Free reports from this link: http://www.geomancy-online.com For a start, you can find out more about the Eight House Theory at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm There is a Free Eight House chart both in this link or a free one at the above link. You can actually generate many free reports on the above links. Later on, you may or may not want to consider very comprehensive report such as Pillars of Destiny which is used widely to determine your Heavenly Luck. Normally the above reports are very comprehensive and you can also later avail to support from myself or Robert. As for the question of wooden elephants for the home. In a very broad sense, it is nice to have decorations in the home. Overall, it is a good create as opposed to the displaying animals like Lions or Tigers or leopards. If such animals are displayed, avoid displaying one with an open mouth or looks hungry. For the wooden elephant, displaying one elephant is considered OK. But if you want to display more, you may have to look at your own Ba Zhi or Eight Characters to see if you are a strong or week wood person as an example. If you are already considered a `strong wood' person, then you could use less of additional wood element. The result could be frequent health problems or competition in the work place. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Evelyn, I am glad that your husband's business is doing very well:) Yes, there is some truth in the remedy used as this is under the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui which is equally powerful and is part of the Feng Shui `package' which includes the Compass School methods i.e. Eight House and Flying Star. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 7:03 PM Subject: Wish to boost my husbands luck
  12. Dear Debrah, I remembered clearly when I was young and at that time, firecrackers were not banned in my country. Each Chinese New Year, my parents would purchase lots of fire crackers and fire works. I remembered clearly that without fail, two rows of fire crackers measuring around 15 feet were hung on each side of my home's bunglalow house. It was nice to hear the crackers go off and at the end of it, the entire compound including the badminton court was littered in red. Lovely sight. Fire crackers are meant to:- 1. Scare away " evil spirits ". 2. Red symbolises Good Luck. I guess, you can say that fire crackers are part of the " Culture " or practises rather than Feng Shui. Regarding your fake fire crackers. Here in Feng Shui, we have to look at the symbolism of fire crackers. 1. Fake firecrackers unlike the real ones do not make noise and infact is considered quite " useless " or in effective in `scarying away ' if you want to call them `evil spirits'. Other more effective methods are used e.g. the Ba gua mirror (Pakua mirror) or the use of Charms. 2. The only symbolic factor is that it is red in colour. Red represents the Fire element. It is preferred that the fake fire cracker is not placed in a Yin location e.g. a bedroom. 3. The other caution is it may have an impact on those who are e.g. Weak Water person, where fire destroys water making it weaker. This is one example used in Feng Shui. 4. The other factor to consider is the Flying Star Chart of the house and whether this element distrubs the balance of the `flying stars'. To answer your question, I think spirits are equally smart and can clearly `see thru' fake fire crackers. The Ba Gua (Feng Shui) or the correct use of a proper charm (Chinese customs) are a much better choice. But in my personal experience, the best `bet' is not to any how use wind chimes. The wrong frequency etc.. may inadvertently attract these playful imps. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 6:12 AM Subject: Fake firecrackers
  13. Dear Linh, Thanks. Please see the most recent message I had posted to you regarding the toilet. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 10:03 AM Subject: Rest Room next to my Entrance
  14. Dear Linh, Here are the following guidelines on the toilet:- 1. Ideal situations are where the toilet bowl should not be actually on the following points:- 0 degrees - North, 45 degrees - NE, 90 degrees - East, 135 degrees - South East, 180 degrees - South, 225 degrees - South West, 270 degrees - West and 315 degrees - North West. Why? Most likely if the toilet bowl is at this location, chances are it will be on one of the Eight Trigrams which can be either an auspicious or inauspicious location. What is the definition of toilet here:- Ideally, this exact compass point should not be the location of the toilet bowl or (sewerage pipe). It is still acceptable for a basin or shower room. 2. Other locations that are not auspicious for a toilet:- 2.1 Centre-point of the house. If the toilet is at the centrepoint of the house, your finances will continue to be drained. 2.2 Next to the main entrance either on the right or left. 2.3 If the toilet is on the second storey or (second level), it should not be above the main entrance or any other rooms e.g. above the bed you sleep on, the dining room, the living room or the kitchen. If you follow the above `argument' it is best to locate the toilet away from the above locations (where possible). Otherwise, you may have to close the toilet door. This is not a fix but you really cannot do much if they happen to be anywhere as mentioned above. In the past, in ancient China, homes " avoided " the above situation by having the toilet a distance away from the home. I guess, this cannot be avoided for modern homes. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 9:52 PM Subject: Bathrooms location at the center line of the house on the left and right side orone located next the main door ?
  15. This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_008D_01BEB122.39F255E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Monica, In my personal opinion, this idea of " spare bedroom - bad for children " is more towards `superstitious belief ' then Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, so long as:- 1. More concerned is placed on the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui. For example, the bed is not next to a window or sleeping under a beam for a prolonged time, bedroom should preferably not be above the kitchen. A poison arrow e.g. the sharp edge of a table `slicing' the bed. These are some of the examples to take note in relation to Feng Shui for adults and children. 2. The other consideration is most Tradtional Feng Shui practioners would advise that even children sleep in rooms that suit them. If the visit is temporary and not long term, there is no basis in the above statement or I have not come across it before. As your daughter is 22, the room can have a more `yang' feel and it would be great if it has a radio etc.. to liven the room. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 7:31 PM Subject: bad for children? ------=_NextPart_000_008D_01BEB122.39F255E0--
  16. Dear Michelle, Thank you for your kind words on the forum. Nowadays, this forum has grown quite large and there are many who have joined the forum from day one and there are also new users. Therefore, the best approach is to try to have a " balance " in the information provided. For those of you who have been with the forum for quite a while, if you have constructive advice, feel free to share it with all of us. Learning is two way and it is nice to hear from everyone. Back to your question. There are a few practioners who have the view point that:- 1. One should sleep on a raised bed. This is to allow Qi to pass thru under the bed. 2. Others feel that the above argument may not be implemented and not important. Some of us sleep on beds with four wooden supports with `air' flowing underneath the bed. This group of practioner says that it is essential that you have air movement under the bed. What happens when we sleep on boxed bed with four rollers under the bed. The gap to allow air or Qi to flow below no longer becomes quite possible. Some of us even sleep on the floor or like `Japanese beds'. In my personal opinion, most of us close our bedroom windows or door and the `argument' for Qi to circulate becomes a non issue. Where I stay, because of the heat, I turn on the airconditioner the whole night. External air (external Qi) do not come in. To me, again, having air flow under the bed is either a non-issue but to applease some FS practioners, we can call it of " Secondary importance ". Get your Feng Shui `correct' both external and internal of the house and worry less on such minute details or " non " issues. Another important factor in Feng Shui is: If you cannot see it, it no longer becomes a Feng Shui issue. For example, if you have a beam above your head, use a false ceiling and once you cannot see the beam, it no longer becomes an issue. Similiarly, if a poison arrow or a sharp corner is pointed towards your bedroom window, when you use a thicker set of curtain or blinds; once you cannot see the poision arrow, it no longer becomes a threat. In your friends limited bedroom space, it is ok to place things below the bed. This is a non-issue for the following reasons:- 1. What is below you cannot hurt. Contrast this to placing all the belongings above you e.g. on an unused double decker bed. Here, it is akin to a " beam " above your head or something pressing down on you. 2. If all the things that your friend had kept are `precious' to her, it would be " emotionally " bad to throw them away! Therefore, what I feel is, keep what she feels is necessary:) If she cannot bear to `throw' any away, keep all of them:) Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 3:54 PM Subject: Stuff under the bed...
  17. Dear Glyn, Thanks for bring up this subject. First of all, for the benefit of those who do not know what is the " Deadly five yellows ", I will give a brief sumarry of the points relating to it although it has been covered earlier on in this forum. (For those who want to read earlier messages can try to use the " Search " feature once you logged into www.geomancy-forum.com Perhaps search for " Five yellow ". 1. Feng Shui `revolves' around the Five Elements Concept. Here, the Five Elements is represented by either a name or a number or a colour or a combination of them. For example, lets look at the element " Earth ". Under the Five Elements Concept, Earth is one of the 5 elements and it also represents: Element, Colour and Number Earth, yellow and the number Five. 2. From the above, we can now understand that " Five yellow " actually represents the Earth element. 3. In this `Rabbit' Year, under the Flying Star (base star), the inauspicious number 5 happens to be at the South. This is also called the `Bad 5 yellow '. Generally, this is good for book authors as there is something to write about for the general public. This was `told' to those who know about it before the beginning of this year. How is it that so many of us are unaffected by this? Well, for one, the Flying Star can be as general as one wants it to be or as complicated as one wants it to get. In the above example we are only looking at the base number of the Flying Star. Remember that under the Flying Star House Chart, there are two stars flying above this base number. For those who know abit of the flying star or have generated the computerised report will see something like:- 4 5 5 Where in this particular situation, this topic of " Five Yellow " happens to be the base number. It is as good as saying that all houses must have `roofs'. We must fine tune this and include the other two stars (above the base star). One of the stairs is called the mountain star (sitting star) and the water star (facing star) and it's relationship in other to get a better picture. Even the remarks " during the eighth lunar month it is doubly bad." is also a generalised statement. Does it affect everyone? The answer is no. For two reasons:- 1. We have not done a `personalised' Flying Star Chart. If so, the `personalised ' chart definitely takes precedence over the above generalised statement. 2. The Flying Star Chart can analyse a Period, a year, a month, a day, an hour and minutes. Even the eight lunar month can be subdivided into days of the month, hour and mintues. Each alternate day is yang, yin and a particular element govern each day. Therefore, what I am trying to say is, it is not always adviseable to follow generalised statements if you have more ` exact ' or personalised details about ourselves. I like to leave this thought: " Books or general advice can only be given to a wide public but it does not necessary hold true for everyone. " One test is : with so much remarks raised about the Bad Five Yellow at the South since the start of the year, are you personally affected by it? or does everyone in your family affected by it? If your answer is NO, then, you have made the first move in `discounting' such general talk. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 4:02 PM Subject: Five Yellows
  18. Dear Keat Siang, I am glad you find this forum useful:) -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'eight-house' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 11:12 AM Subject: My toilet is in an auspicious location Yes, based on the Eight House Theory, (male) you are a " South House " person and you have correctly mentioned that your auspicious locations are N (Longevity), E (Prosperity), SE (Health) and South (your Excellent) direction. For more information on the significance of each of the sectors please go to http://www.geomancy.net/fs/goodbad.htm This is based on the Eight Associations or Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations concept. It does not take into consideration a person's individual Gua ( Kua) number. I have mentioned in an earlier message that it would be best to use:- 1. Eight house theory to find the most suitable house or auspicious sitting directions. Other than this, don't be mistaken and use the Eight House to do `wonders' e.g. find a cure etc... The Eight House cannot be used to find `cures' or enhancements. 2. Pillars of Destiny (Feng Shui portion) to find not only the person's element but it's strength. 3. The Flying Star or birth chart of a house. 4. The Shapes and Form Feng Shui e.g. looking at the landscape, site and home. These four combined will provide one a set of powerful tools to find our Heaven Luck (Pillars of Destiny) and the Eight House, Flying Star and Shapes and Form to locate our (Earth Luck). The above is what Feng Shui can do. Like I mentioned in an earlier message, only if you have considered the above, and are `Too Free' or have luxury of time, then do whatever you want e.g. enhance your career luck e.g. North using the Eight Aspirations Concept. Why is the Eight Aspirations Concept so popular with Book Authors? Unlike the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui, which can be universally applied, there are not much topics Book Authors can explain and apply to everyone. So, what book authors do is to capitalize on General Feng Shui principles (even though they are technically correct), found that the easiest to `attract' continous purchase of books are to `glorify' the Eight Aspirations with attractions of enhancing " Career ", romance etc... Only when we begin to understand the above, can we now understand why so many people are picking up such books, go out and purchase many wind chimes etc... This may do more harm than good. (Search for " wind chimes " under geomancy-forum.com and you will find the many " horror " stories abound !) Let's put it this way, if something so general as to offer a `cure all' or `enhancement' everyone by following the above would be very rich by now. So, why some who have followed the above advise become worse off? Let's look at another angle: Can something so general as " My career is at North ", if I activate it (so does everyone else) will it lead to my career rise? Something so general will not work for everyone. By chance, it may work for some. Call it 50 - 50 Feng Shui or Fast Food Feng Shui. What is true about toilet placement is that, I have also mentioned that in earlier messages in this forum is that preferably it should not be at true compass directions e.g. North, South, East, West and points like NE, SE, SW and NW. The reason is that a toilet directly at these locations will invariably be at one of the compass points of e.g. the Eight House theory or the Flying Star Theory where compass directions are at 15 degree increments. ( A toilet e.g. " off " these points are best e.g. at 6 degrees instead of at 0 degrees true North point). Yes, the Eight House Theory can be applied to your small studio apartment. However, the more significant influence for a small apartment is the Yin and Yang Concept. Why Yin and Yang Concept? Depending on your lifestyle or or " perseved" lifestyle. If you are always working outside and come home at night, then by then you should be tired and need rest, so, create a more yin environment (cosy, conducive for rest). If you are at home most of the time and you can create a balanced environment. In the day time, if the studio apartment is too cosy, it may encourage sleep or low activity, you can add more yang eg. a Hi fi set, etc.... because I am starting a new job. Frankly, you can't do much here other than keep the toilet door closed most of the time and keep the toilet airy and bright. Some Western Traditional Feng Shui Schools on the internet have either modified the PakuaLoshu but this is wrong. It should not be modified in anyway. Some even abandon the PakuaLoshu because they felt that this method is `cheap' only meant for novice Feng Shui practioners. Recently, many have questioned the judgement of some of these " Western Tradtional Feng Shui Schools " as to why they abandon the PakuaLoshu. I think there is still no satisfactory reply. Some of these schools also tried out their modified versions and some even tried to use the PaluaLoshu and look at `enhancements' and cures. Here at Geomancy.net, having studied all forms of traditional Feng Shui both the `Western' and the Eastern Schools believe that because English is prevalent in the Internet, many have not heard the `other side' the Eastern Schools which practise widely the PakuaLoshu. These include many powerful Feng Shui Masters. If you pick up any Feng Shui books written in Mandarin you will understand the extend of how widely the PakuaLoshu is being used. The fact is that The PakuaLoshu and the Flying Star originates from the same Compass Schools! Therefore to answer your question, each has its specific use! 1. The Eight house is to look at personal directions and `suitability' of a house to the person. 2. The Flying Star looks at the birth chart of the house. Can one be separated from the other? No. Some Western Traditional Feng Shui Schools ` talk ' all day and night , eat and drink only the Flying Star. But do they know that what is the use of just looking at the birth chart of a house without linking this to a person? The house can be a picture perfect house but if it does not match the owner, what is the use? Therefore, sorry about this lengthly message. I want to stress the point is that don't ever look at things narrowly. The larger the picture the better. This is why, my aim is to let everyone see the good in each of the various Feng Shui principles or practises. Here, I let you decide for yourself, if you want to be narrow minded or enrich yourself with as many good Feng Shui principles. Most of all you must know the good of each or their limitations. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  19. Dear Laraine, Before we address your question, you may have to be aware that there are a few `levels' of Feng Shui analysis:- 1. Very detailed Feng Shui analysis If a person is new to Feng Shui, he or she may need to consult an experienced Feng Shui Practioner to address isues such as what you are facing. Alternatively, if you know how to use the computerised tools here, with some help, I am confident you can overcome your problems. The following are the most crucial Feng Shui Theories:- 1. Eight House Theory. I guess you must have already used this to find your most suitable locations in the house. Overall, this theory does what it is suppose to do, find out how suitable are you to the house. Location your best directions. Other than doing the above, it cannot do more i.e. find a solution or cure for a particular `problem' . 2. Pillars of Destiny: The most powerful Feng Shui tool available under the Pillars of Destiny are:- 1. Knowing your derived element and it's strength. This is used to fine tune any cures or enhancements. 2. Luck Pillars `season' strength. For example, if you are a Strong Wood person and so happens that this period happens to be a water season. Under the 5 elements concept, water strengthens the Strong Wood and this period is considered inauspicious. So, one should weaken the Strong Wood under this period. (The Pillars of Destiny maps out our heaven luck. Although we cannot change our heaven luck we can understand it better and try to be in control of our lives). 3. Flying Star of the house The purpose of the Flying Star is to chart the birth chart of the house. (While the Eight house looks at the most suitable house), the Flying Star chart is used to find out in detail the location of auspicious and inauspicious stars and the interactions between them at any point in time. This theory is used in conjunction with the Pillars of Destiny element strength to either enhance or correct bad influences. 4. Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui In addition to the above, the Shapes and Form of your external environment, the landscape, the site and the actual home's environment is very important. Only when the above four major factors are looked into, can one really go into utilizing Feng Shui properly in our lives. Feng Shui is about manipulating Qi and many are mistaken that just because, under the Eight Aspirations Concept, the North is defined as the Career sector, we must than enhance it without considering the above four major factors of Feng Shui. Put it this way, only when you have done all four of the above and if you have the luxury and nothing `else' better to do, then you can if you wish start enhancing e.g. your Romance corner etc... The reason I mentioned all this is because, changing the direction of your cooker is " secondary " to the above four major factors. Although the stove is important, in terms of ranking under Feng Shui, it is one of the last `few' enhancements. It is more important than the Eight Aspirations Theory thou. As for the direction of the stove:- 1. I have posted a recent message on the stove, where e.g. if the stove is located at the North of the house, it should not face a water position. But if the stove is located in a South direction, it can face a water position to `cool it down '. For those who are interested in reading this message can log into www.geomancy-forum.com and use the " Search " feature under the forum and locate the word " stove ". You will then be able to see a list of messages with the word stove in it. There is also a date stamp next to the successful searches. You can also do so for any other topics e.g. search for ` fish tank ' etc... 2. In your case, your stove can be located at your inauspicious location. It is good to let it face your good direction. For the stove, you should take the Eight House template of the `wife' rather than the husband as the `domain' of the kitchen is the husband's. 3. In a message, sometime back, I have mentioned the reason why a `pure' microwave oven is considered a Metal element. To find out more, you can also do a search for microwave oven. A mini grill oven should still be considered a Fire element. If possible let the cooker face one of your good directions and not your husband's good direction. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 5:45 AM Subject: Direction of Oven
  20. Dear Stephani, Please see below:- -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Monday, June 07, 1999 2:00 AM Subject: Mini fountain show-case in bedroom Yes, it is not advisable to place a fountain even if it is a mini one in the bedroom because it generates Yang Qi or Yang energy. Normally a bedroom is considered a place of rest or Yin environment and the fountain with the yang energy it generates `conflicts' with it. However, this " balance shifts " when it now becomes your only room. What is meant here is that as you are renting only the bedroom, do you mean that all your activities are spent here? i.e. Is your TV located here etc... If this is your only room and in the day time, you use it for `day' activity e.g. it now becomes " mini your living room ", then you can in the day time turn on the mini fountain and in the later part of the day, turn it off e.g. at 5.00 or 6.00pm. If you are using the Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations or Eight Associations concept of determining your wealth sector; please note that this is a very general theory. Unlike even the Eight House Theory which takes account of your personal Kua, the Eight Aspirations theory is considered too general a theory. However, fountains are considered a " sign of prosperity " it is considered good having one in the `home'. Therefore, in your case, where you are only renting a bedroom, you must first determine what level of activity you have in your room. If the rented room is merely a room for spent your evenings in, I would suggest that you do not turn on the mini fountain at night. Depending your life style e.g. if you are an outgoing person or would like to brighten your room, you can create a `more yang' environment e.g. having a hi-fi or tv in the room, place some colourful posters etc... Do strike a balance as you still need rest and at certain times, the room need to feel `yin' or a place of cosy rest. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Suzhen, As the information on your son is limited, perhaps, you can do an initial Eight House Template for your son. Follow the steps under this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm Alternatively, go to www.geomancy-online.com to create his Free computerized Eight House Chart. What you can do here is to see if the room he sleeps in is compatible to him. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 8:21 PM Subject: Bed not directly under beam
  22. Dear Lewis, Please note the following:- 1. If you are standing at your main entrance door (looking outside the house), the fig tree should not be seen directly i.e. slicing any part of the main entrance door. It should be at either side of the house i.e. left or right side. 2. If the tree can be seen directly i.e. slicing any part of the house, it must not have a broken stump. The above two `conditions' is to avoid trees becoming a poison arrow to the main entrance of the house. In Feng Shui, avoid planting too many trees on the North-East (devil's gate) or West (a yin location) or South West (devil's backdoor). Too many trees or plants especially if they are not properly maintained can create a `too yin' location and this could result in attracting `yin forces' or spirits to these location. There is not much significance in planting a fig tree or any other `healthy' trees so long as the fig tree do not grow too large at the front of the house especially at the true North-East (compass location). Another good thing about have a garden is that it ultimately attract birds. This is a good sign. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 9:03 AM Subject: figtree
  23. Dear Users, Feng Shui Directory - A comprehensive guide to all things Feng Shui! at URL: http://www.geomancy.net/links/index.htm I have complied this page and classified them into sections for easy reference. There is also a description of each link. Do make use of this directory to search for something or you can take your time to explore some of the links! I hope you find it useful. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  24. Dear Marla, If I am not mistaken, you are referring to the fixed template format used by the Black Sect Trantric Buddhist (BTB). Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB) appears to have been a modern "invention" fabricated in the mind of one person: Thomas Lin Yun. It has no no basis in or connected to Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. BTB is not recognised by many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Traditonal practitioners also consider BTB to be Psuedo-Feng Shui. It is based primarily on a marketing scheme derived from superstition and profit. Hear the founder of Black Sect Lin Yun's confession at http://www.qi-whiz.com/confess.html . (You will be transported to Kate Bramble's website.) At Geomancy.net, we choose not to discuss on any BTB topics and will continue to teach Authentic Traditional Feng Shui. Frankly, some of the Black Sect Tantric followers are highly qualified (with Degrees and all) and my personal feeling is that at a point in time, most of the Authentic Traditional Feng Shui was not available to these people. The is one reason why, so many pick up the BTB. I have yet to see a Traditional Feng Shui `person' switch from practising Traditional Feng Shui to BTB. Instead, I know of a few BTB followers who have switched to Traditional FS. This is indeed a good sign. The reason is because more users or consumers are becoming more sophisticated and nowadays, even in Feng Shui, it is consumer driven. Personally, I have nothing against any BTB practioners but Geomancy.net being a Traditional Feng Shui School, wants to have nothing related to such practises. To answer your question, BTB and Traditional Feng Shui is available in the Internet but I cannot say that both can go hand in hand. The rationale is quite simple, anyone can tommorrow, set up a BTB Feng Shui practise just by using the Fixed Template method and responsible for people's lives? It goes agains the grain of my conscience. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Friday, June 04, 1999 12:26 PM Subject: Rooms,Directions
  25. Dear Rebeca, There are a few considerations for a fish tank:- 1. Currently there are two methods at looking at the number of fishes to `rear'. Method 1: ======== The most common method is based on general good numbers of fish i.e. fishes should be numbering e.g. 5, 6, 8. (9 is still acceptable). Method 2: ======== The other method is based on your kua number ie. if your kua is Li or South, you should rear 9 fishes. If your Kua number is Kan (North), you should rear 1 fish, if your Kua number is Chen or East, then you should rear 3 fishes. Ideally, this is based on the breadwinner's Kua number 2. A good guideline is to take note of the colour of the stand you are using. For example at the North wall, it is adviseable to use a stand that is Black in colour or blue or grey. For the East, the stand can be brown or dark green or green. Use the colours at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/colours.htm as a guide. 3. The shape of the fish tank is important. The best shapes are rectangular or round. Avoid a square tank or a triangle tank. In your case, it would be best to follow the guide above i.e. use method 1 in rearing the number of fishes. There are two other considerations as your fish tank is at the West: 1. The element at the West location is Metal. 2. Under the Five elements concept : Metal enhances Water element. 3. West is a Yin location. 4. Too much water will create an imbalance as it is considered too YIN. But fortunately not to worry unless it is (estimated) to be greater than 33.3 percent of the entire volume or floor area of the room (depending on which comes first). Avoid having a large fish tank at this location. A regular 2 feet fish tank would do. I am unable to fully advise you further because gold fishes especially, Red or orange .. to pink ones are consider more of a Fire element and this helps to balance the `situation'. If you rear other coloured fishes e.g. black or dull colours, it would be of the Metal element and further enhance the water element . Metal enhances Water. Silvery fishes such as some tropical fishes are considered of the Metal element and this may further enhance the water element. However, at this point, you may have to use Trial and Error Feng Shui ie. First, based on your intutition and monitior the fishes. A tell tale sign is if the fishes continue to be healthy then all is fine if they die quickly, then is is a bad `omen'. Warmest Regards, Cecil -----Original Message----- From: Listmanager To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed> Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 1:29 PM Subject: Gold Fish-Tropical
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