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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Hock Chuan, ong hock chuan wrote: I am a bit confuse between Birth Element and Kua Element because my Kua Element is wood while my Birth element is water. Kua element or Eight House analysis is based only on YEAR of birth. While ba zi element or Ba Zi (4 Pillars/Pillars of Destiny), calculates from the day, month, year and time of birth (if available). Eight House is typtically useful for it's suitability check, as even though it is simple it has proven time and again to provide a good suitability check assessment. However, we normally do not use the Kua element as the true birth element as only the YEAR of birth was considered. True birth element is usually asssessed from the ba zi because each day the element will be different, so even if a year is considered Fire element, but a person can be a weak water/strongwater/weak wood/strongwoodborn in a Fire element year. So since ba zi is more accurate on this analysis, the birth element is always assessed using ba zi rather than Eight House. So that is why there are differences. Each tool has it's specific purpose and accuracy. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  2. Dear Anon, Quote: May I know her luck. She alway told me, she is not happy with her and change her job. What can I help her. Please be advised that this is actually beyond a free advise. However, seeing that she is unhappy, so I just reviewed some of her chart to see what I can help to advise. Her luck for this period is generally not very auspicious overall. Even for years which seems to have some luck favouring her, she has clashes or harm which will reduce ther luck significantly. Thus, she has to be extra careful this period. Analysis for Age 23 - 32 (2002 - 2011) Luck (3) [2002 to 2011] is an inauspicious period as it does not favour your 10 yearly Big Luck Period. (!--Age 23 - 32 (2002 - 2011) => [ji-si] (Earth-Fire) Inauspicious Period-->(Health Related) Possible Career Change / Change of Location: Si [2002 to 2006] (ji-Earth) is an auspicious period as it favours your 5 yearly Luck Period. [2002] ren-wu - Luck against you but Average - [Yearly Analysis] [1st 6 months] ren - is a little inauspicious. Heavenly Stem Clash: bing-ren [2nd 6 months] wu - is a little inauspicious. Earthly Branch Self Punishment: wu Possible Romance Encounter: Wu Nobleman Stars available to help you: Wu & Yin [2003] gui-wei - Luck against you but Very Good - [Yearly Analysis] [1st 6 months] gui - is a little inauspicious. [2nd 6 months] wei - is very auspicious. Creative Work or Influences Influence: Wei [2004] jia-shen - Luck with you but Bad - [Yearly Analysis] [1st 6 months] jia - is a little auspicious. [2nd 6 months] shen - is very auspicious. Earthly Branch Clash: yin-shen Earthly Branch Punishment: si-shen Nobleman Stars available to help you: Zi & Shen [2005] yi-you - Luck with you but Good - [Yearly Analysis] [1st 6 months] yi - is a little auspicious. Heavenly Stem Clash: yi-xin [2nd 6 months] you - is very auspicious. Earthly Branch Self Punishment: you Academic / Study Influences: You [2006] bing-shu - Luck with you but Average - [Yearly Analysis] [1st 6 months] bing - is a little inauspicious. [2nd 6 months] shu - is very auspicious. Earthly Branch Harm: you-shu Earthly Branch Punishment: wei-shu SCORE POINTS: -10 Overall, this is considered an Inauspicious period Anonymous wrote: What type career is suitable for her. Since she is a weak Metal, so Earth and Metal elements are particularly better for her. Furthermore, her Earth and Metal are so little ie 2%. So she needs a lot more of those elements. You can refer to this element chart:- URL: http://talk.geomancy.net Changes in your Five Element Balance for 23 - 32 (2002 - 2011) Water Wood Fire Earth Metal 8 % 44 % 41 % 2 % 2 % You are a Weak Metal. Generally, you will need more Earth and Metal, while avoiding any Fire or Water. In order to be effective, you should know how the current 10-year luck period affects your original five element distribution. So for this 10-year period you should fine tune your favourable elements as follows:- Favourable to you Your favourable element Earth (2%) and Metal (2%). You will need to have an equal amount of Earth (2%) and Metal (2%) to improve the luck for this period. Staying in a suitable House Element - Your luck will further be improved if you are staying in a house facing direction which represents Earth or direction which represents Earth. Having a suitable Career - Earth element career such as Customer Relations, Constructions, Games, etc. or a Metal element career such as Accountancy, Banking, Investment will improve luck for you. Having more favourable colours - You can further boost your luck by ensuring your bedroom decor/car colour/dressing are in yellow (Earth element) or white/gold (Metal element). Unfavourable to you While, your unfavourable elements are Fire (41%) and Water (8%) You will to avoid Fire (41%) more than Water (8%) to improve the luck for this period. Avoid staying in an unsuitable House Element - Your luck will further be reduced if you are staying in a house facing South direction which represents Fire Avoid an unsuitable career - Water element career such as Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc, will make this period less auspicious for you. Avoid unfavourable colours - Should ensure you avoid bedroom decor/car colour/dressing are in red (Fire element). Anonymous wrote: She had MBA in Oricle, SAP and computer programing. But she unable to find a permenant jab. Basically, her MBA are considered mostly Water element especially computer programming. Water element will actually make her metal even weaker. So not really a favourable element for her. Her ba zi will better be suited for Earth or Metal elements which you can refer to this link again:- URL: http://talk.geomancy.net Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.
  3. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: I am sitting at a ProsperityDirection in my office but there is a pillar sharp corner facing my direction. Anonymous wrote: Just wondering howcan these be resolved? Is putting a plantat my desk to block good enough? 1. The best if you can put a partition or object (ie like a plant) to block the Sha Qi. In feng shui, when you can no longer see it, it no longer becomes a threat. 2. Some other ways if partition is not possible, is to have a circular mirror / a small dragon figuring to be placed on your desk to help deflect the poison arrow away. The first method above isbetterif possible. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  4. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: My main door is facing south and my apartment is not square, what is the best way I can fine the auspecious location to activate? By the way my apartment was completed in year 2000. It is really hard to advise without any layout to view what exactly you mean. However, for any of the odd shapes layout there are usually a few ways to apply feng shui:- 1. ie find the center influence of the entire layout, then treat those missing areas as missing sectors of the house or treat some of the sectors as a protrusion. 2. ie divide the layout into two portions to apply the feng shui. especially for L shaped apartments. You can find some example in this link under the More examples of how to determine the CENTER of a house. URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-house1.htm If still not sure, attach a layout plan of your home and we can guide you. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  5. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: it was very interesting, lucky im only 23 so still along way off 35!! Anonymous wrote: do u have any charts?? Anonymous wrote: id like 2 see how the cycle go's. Sorry, but not sure what charts are you refering to? You mean your ba zi charts? You can access the free 10-big luck charts at this url:- URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  6. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: Can you see if a manager is compatible with his employee for exemple if one is strong fire and the other is weak fire are they compatible ? Generally, weak fire will benefit from the Strong Fire, as fire will make weak fire stronger. The Strong Fire, will lose some fire in the process. However, though the element pairing of weak and strong fire seems like a good pair. The problem comes with the fact, that because of the same element type ie Fire and Fire element, the two person will tend to want to compete and also may not see eye to eye with each other. Thus, there may be some potential friction between the two. So not really the best kind of pairing, Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  7. Dear Kit Fong, Kit Fong wrote: I will be selling my existing 5-room flats and buying a resale 4-room at Yishun (Khatib MRT). How do I know whether the house is suitable for me and my family? 1. Determine the house facing of new home ie. 2nd to 7th level apartment, take reading from your main door. ie take a compass reading standing inside your house at your main door looking outwards. ie. 8th level and up apartment, take the reading from your balcony/living room. ie take a compass reading standing inside your house at your living room/balcony looking outwards. 2. Once you determine the house facing, check if this house facing fits the breadwinner (one that earns most to provide for the entire family). URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-8h.htm Most important is that the breadwinner to avoid Death or Disaster for the house facing. 3. Do the same to check for the rest of the family member. Make sure they have suitable bedrooms within the house that fall under the favourable sector. 4. If the above points are favourable, then it means that house will generally suit you and your family. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCT.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  8. It is one of the best sites I've ever visited! If not THE best! Lots of clarifications, lots of unbelievably useful information, lots of topics and many many answers to all sorts of questions! I fell grateful to all the celestial forces who have finally lead me to you. I know I have friends now who provide me with the necessary tools to improve my deeply unlucky life. Knowledge is Power. Thank you once more-blessings-Claire from Vyronas - sent via e-mail on 4 Nov 2005
  9. Dear Sophia, Sophia Chia wrote: Is the base star as important as mountain star and water star. If base #2 (Black)sicknessis affected by negative forces (ie hurt by other stars or bad forms). Will it affect the occupant of the house eg. Base#2, Mountain #2 and Water #8. As #2 they both are Earth and #8 canalso be earth. Yes, all 3 stars are actuallyequally important. You have to assess each sector by checking how each star will strengthen or weaken the sector. So like star 5 if there is a Fire star, it may strengthen the misfortune star. In your example, you need Metal to balance the excessive Earth. The Base 2 and Mountain 2 will strengthen each other and make it too excessively strong Earth influence. So misfortune may happen, as there is nothing to control the Earth element. As for the impact of the star, it will generally affect the people staying in that sector of the house. If the sector is your main door, it will affect the entire family members. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  10. Dear Teo Choon Seng, teo choon seng wrote: My house has a missing corner on the north-west sector. I don't know if that is the reason, since beg of 2004, our living room ceramic tiles pop up on three occassions which have been repaired.Recently the nw sector ceramic tiles broken, and when I think back, my career path was like fallen down frm a ladder for the past 10 years.Do you have any suggestions for a cure on this? can a six rods windchime to be hanged outside the window of the north-west sector help? Missing corners in a home tend to be inauspicious. There is actually no real cure to correct this flaw as it is based on the external shape of the house. If it is a landed property, you can still attempt to correct it by having some landscaping done to extend the external landscape so that it fills up the missing corner. If it is a HDB, then it is harder to cure. However, the way to symbolic remove the missing corner is usually use concave bagua or to design large mirror on the wall helpto extend the missing corner. This missing corner from our website resource usually symbolise many quarrels in the house. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  11. Dear Sandra, Sandra Liepina wrote: I was born in Latvia, Riga city in Soviet Union times. In that period our time zone was Moscow time zone. Now we use our real local time and difference is -1 hour. I would like to now what time I should use to calculate my Ba Zi chart. My birth date is 26.09.69. and birth time is 21.20 using Moscow time. The same question I have about summer light saving time. Thank you for answer. Ba Zi was actuallydesigned to be pretty forgiving, thus just from the day month and year alone, you can already get a fairly accurate analysis. The reason because the month pillar is ultimately what defines a person's luck flow and the day is what determine what element a person is born under. Therefore, even if you do not have the time of birth it does not affect the reading too much.So we find that you just need to use the localtime for your time of birth this will do. You don't need to make any modification to the time zone as there isn't really a need for it. The various methods of applying feng shui by altering the time zone or location factor, often will make the analysis far less accurate due to several reasons like no one will know exactly the long. and lat. of birth, as well as the timezone is so simplified now-a-days. So, it is just best to use your localtime or if you are unsure, best to leave the timezone empty. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  12. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: I have been reading about Ba Zi and am confused. Can you please help me understand the difference between Flower of Romance, Star of Romance and Peach Blossom? Thanks! Frankly, they are all quite similiar relating to romance matters. Difference is probably how it is used. ie. Romance star found in your ba zi chart is often considereda person with lots of romance star (or quite a romatic person) ie. Romance star found in your different luck period is considered Flower of Romance, where there are Romance opportunities. ie. Romance star can have good or bad influence ie Tao Hua Yun which is actually Peach Blossom Romance. This has good or bad depending on whether the period is good or bad for you. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  13. Dear Sophie, sophie corcoran wrote: ive just done the compatabiliy report. my boyfriend is weak water dragon (31st jan 1976)and i am strong earth dog (2nd oct 1982), it says metal will reduce conflict but what does it mean by metal, does it just mean metal furnishings? Five element can be related to many different things ie colours, shapes, direction, career etc. So when it mean Metal, it means ie Metal (colour - white/gold, circular shapes, metal materials, West or North-West facing direction, or even Metal careers). Refer to this useful link:- URL: http://talk.geomancy.net Since colour is easily found in many areas of your life, therefore the closest item that both of you have is your home and bedroom. So have more Metal type decoration as well as colours or circular type design to create more Metal element in the room. Others, can be having people of the favourable element Metal person can also help to act as a binding element between the two of you. ie your children/brothers or relatives. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  14. Dear Juan, JUAN ITA ALEXANDER wrote: Me and my hubby are living in a west facing house although we are both east people. I would like to know what tips you can give to improve the feng shui in our bedroom which is in the east part of the house The East and West group grouping is actually quite mis-leading. As, every group will always have 4 good and 4 bad directions. What is more important is to check whether:- 1. Your husband (ie I presume he is the breadwinner for the entire household) should ensure that his facing direction of the house suits him. Also, it would be good if he stay in the bedroom which is also his good sector. 2. While the rest of the family members (ie yourself), has a suitable bedroom sector within the house. The direction of the house won't be as important to other family member as compared to the breadwinner. Generally, that should be what you should be looking at rather then just the East or west group person. Also, this is a point I want to stress as I noticed that everyone always get so obsessed with just a single flaw into the home. In order for problems to arise, these must be several leaks or problems occuring together in order for problem to arise. Even if you have one leak, as long as you correct all other areas in your life, then you will minimise the inauspicious influence from that one leak. So same thing for applies for you. Where, you cannot locate yourself in a better bedroom sector or have a better suited house direction, then you can only work to correct any other major leaks you have within the house. Or ensure that you continue to boost your ba zi luck by finding out what element you lack. ie if you are a weak wood, then having more Water element in your life will help to boost up your luck. Since five element can be related to like House direction, Career, people around you or colours etc. The more of these in your favour, the better your overall luck. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  15. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: We r looking for new HDB flat, my kua is 5 (male) and my gf's is 2. Our auspicious main door facing direction is NE, however i heard from one Fung Shui Master saying that Yang Zhai (human house) is more important to look at the Sitting direction, whereas Yin Zhai (Grave) will need to focus on the facing. Frankly, the 3 most important thing in feng shui is actually Location, Location and still Location! Why? Simply because, whether a house is good or not depends a lot on the location of your home. After location, comes the suitability of the breadwinner and family members to the house and facing of the house. That advise you got isn't entirely wrong as frankly there is such a thing between sitting and facing. However, it also depends on how you really define how the Qi will enter into your home. You see in our website when we define a house facing East means that main door (for 2nd-7th level) orliving room (8th and up) is actually facing East. Reason for this is because Qi enter into our house from the facing direction that we define. That means that if your house face East. Qi enters into your home from East to West. So by having this facing we want good Qi to enter from the East into the house. The other concept that is to set the house sitting on the East site facing West. If you look at the Qi flow, that will mean that West being bad Qi will be flowing into the house. But the good thing here is that you are located closer to your East ie sitting at your good sector. However, the problem is this. For a small plot of land, whether your building is closer to the West or East, it does not really impact whether you get more good or bad Qi. Unless, of course you use it on a larger scale ie East of Singapore (ie Changi) and West of Singapore (ie Jurong). So if I want to apply such a concept, I would rather locate my home in the East (which is closer to your good sector), so you actually sit closer to the good sector, while still having the main door face East so that you get good Qi into the home from the East blowing into the house. Thus, though that master isn't wrong in the concept of the Yang Zhai and Yin Zhai, the application concept there should be better applied as what I mentioned above for finding the best location that your house should sit. Which comes to my point. Noticed why the rich are mostly located like in the area such as Marine Parade, Bukit Timah, Thomson etc. It is because these location are the better locations within the island of Singapore. That is why location factor places a great deal of importance in applying feng shui. And so, if you want to apply the sitting position concept, you should apply it more to location where your home should be located within Singapore. As the sitting position of the building within a small plot of land will have lesser impact. Thus, facing your good direction is always better. Anonymous wrote: We r having difficulties to find a NE facing hse in AMK, and wondering if the door facing other direction but the sitting is nice is it enough.. Frankly, every person has 4 good and 4 bad directions. So as long as the house faces one of the 4 directions it will be considered a suitable house. Of course, it would be better also if your ba zi direction and eight house direction are both suitable. Different house depending on the direction of the house will have slightly different flying star luck. Flying Star luck can usually be balanced or enhance. But ultimately, the location again will depend how much luck a house will get, whereas the flying star is how much you can maximise the existing house so as to boost up your luck. Anonymous wrote: My birthdate is on 10 July 1977 (Male) the lucky element is Water, and according to Bazi my lucky direction shd be North, it is contracting to this Kua 5, how can i go about it to choose a suitable flat? Like I told you, there is eight house direction and ba zi direction. Ideally, the best direction is one where both concept rate it as auspicious. Eight House better to apply for micro level, while ba zi direction for macro but you should always avoid Death or Disaster direction as you cannot correct a unsuitable direction. For you North is your wealth as your a Strong Earth, but North is also your Death sector. So this will not be the best house direction for you. The better one is like Metal direction North-West (longevity) or West (health). Even for North-East, though that is your prosperty, but north-east is Earth. Since you are a Strong Earth, this may not benefit you as much as North-West for example. Thus, finding a balance is always the key. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  16. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: my boyfriend is born under rat year (1972) and me is born under horse year(1978) and i've been told that this combination is impossible to work out and will effect both life(ie.luck,life,wealth etc) .is there any cure regarding this incompatibility matters?and i'd like to ask in which field of carrier would be auspicious for each of us?thanks If two animal horoscope signs are incompatible, there will always be a clash or conflict between the two persons. The only way to minimise such an issue is to attempt to bring more harmony for the two person by checking the birth element of the two. (ie weak water rat vs weak wood horse can improve harmony with more water element). You can make use of the free compatibility in our member area:- URL: http://login.geomancy.net To check what is the binding element that helps to improve the relationship. This can help reduce the potential conflict. The rest will depend on the two of you (ie how both of you are willing to give and take so as to minimise any major disagreement). Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  17. Dear Anon, Frankly, there is more reaons as to why you face problems. It is not just because of the car purchase. I am pretty sure there are other issues ie very bad ba zi luck as well as some bad feng shui stars that are working against you. As far as I could tell from your ba zi is that 2005 is a bad year for you with five-yearly luck (2003-2007) containing Harm and self-punishment which makes it a year to look out for potential troubles. Especially, so in the later half of 2005 where you enter into a Metal influence. In addition, this year you have nearly all the clashes ie 2 clashes (in Heaven & Earth Branch), Harm and Self-Punishment. So you have to be extra careful. [2005] yi-you - Luck against you but Very Bad - [1st 6 months] yi - is a little auspicious. Heavenly Stem Clash: yi-xin [2nd 6 months] you - is a little inauspicious. Earthly Branch Clash: mao-you Earthly Branch Harm: you-shu Earthly Branch Self Punishment: you As far as your element is concerned you are considered a Strong Metal person, which means that Water/Wood/Fire will be generally good for you. Of which you lack Wood (0%) so that means that even though Fire and Water are good for you, Wood is more needed for you to attain better balance. Thus, wood colour (green/brown) is more preferred than Water (blue/black/gray) or even Fire (red). So Wood (green/brown) would be a much preferred colour for your car as well as to boost up your luck in general. Followed by Water and last by Fire. This is because that is the element you lack most in your entire chart is Wood element. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert
  18. Dear Mick Bartam, mick bartam wrote: my front door faces my back door. how can i fix this as i believe this can let energy flow out, i have had bad luck in this house. Basically, you should be having a problem similiar to this diagram:- URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-breath.htm If so, you will need to have a partition as shown somewhere in between the two doors to help prevent a Qi leak. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  19. Dear Users, We have prepared the 2006 Forecast which is based on the highly successful 2005 format. Ba Zi2006 Forecast with2006 Monthly Chart 2006 Flying Star Chart Grand Duke & Location in conflict Individual Chinese Horoscope with all Five Different Birth Element & Strength (ie weak/Strong Rat etc) So find out what is installed for 2006 The Dog Year (between 29 Jan 2006 to 17 Feb 2007):- URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/yearly-forecast/fortunes-2006.htm This forecast is done with a our Yearly Forecast v1.0that assisted us to generate most of the analysis for all possible variation of the different animal sign for that particular year. The graphical illustrated forecast will be availableonce the image is ready. Hope you enjoy our yearly forecast. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  20. Dear Users, We are please to announce to all users, that we have an Mobile version of our website (especially for the free online tools and reading forum messagesthat you can access from your mobile phone). This website was designed to work on Starhub (i-mode), where should you have an i-mode phone, you will be able to access our freeeight house, free ba zi reports anytime you need. It will also work for non-imode phones by entering thebelow url into most of your WAP/GPRS/3G phones. URL: http://imode.geomancy.net The current version as it has to conform to 2G i-mode, thus havelimited resources due to filesize limit 10K. However, most users should find using the free report or reading form message quite useful. Later on, we will provide more content for 3G enabled phones which does not have a limitation on the filesize. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  21. Dear Lisa, Lisa Pirkkala wrote: My confusion started when I read two books--one of which had someone standing outside the house, looking toward the front door and holding the compass toward the front door (that would put the compass direction in direct opposition to the formula holding compass inside, standing facing out the front door) then in another book had house trigram formula and compass formula opposite, as the sitting and facing directions were opposite. The book said to use the trigram formula to apply flying star feng shui. Lisa Pirkkala wrote: Is it safe to simply just stand inside the house, looking out, to apply both methods, then? If so, I will throw those books away! You should take note that a Chinese Compass (Luo Pan) is South to North orientation, whereas a normal compass is North to South. So if you are using a Luo Pan because it is 180 degrees opposite, then the instructions you read in the book is not wrong.As the analysis, will also have to be properly re-orientated to the house in order to be able to give a proper assessment. As most people can only access to a normal compass, our website has everything orientated North-South just as normal compass. So you will not be wrong by taking the reading by standing ie at your main door looking outwards. This will work for all the reports on our website. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  22. Dear Mark, Mark lyden wrote: I currently have a fish tank in my living room(living room in west of house.) I also have red sofas. How can I arrang the furniture to improve my proserity. I am currently loosing money. If you are facing issues, then you will need to troubleshoot your home before anyone can tell you what are the problems for your home. Only when you know what are the problems can you attempt to correct your situation. ie. Is your home unsuitable to you based on your eight house or ba zi? ie. Is the living room sector a bad position to put water feature under the flying star. ie. What is your best sitting position so that you can arrange your furniture to sit and face in a suitable direction. ie. Are there any other major leaks from the external shapes and form ie posion arrow from a building across your home. As you can see, there are so many many questions that need find out. I would suggest you get someone to assess your home professional and advise you on the what are the leaks and then attempt to correct the leaks. If you want some do-it-yourself guide. I would recommend you check out his talk notes which can help you attempt to do some simple troubleshooting:- URL: http://talk.geomancy.net Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  23. Dear Marilyn, Marilyn Ong wrote: We love each other very much and there's no problem with our relationship but everything else is going bad. Our house was bulgarized (all my wedding and dowry jewelries were stolen), I miscarried 2x, and although we have good income, it seems that we can't save. There's always something bad happen and we have to spend. Frankly, it sounds more like a house feng shui problem, than anything else. As your relationship is ok, it would seem more like maybe there is just a bad robbery star in your house feng shui or very bad suitability to the house. This also can happen for houses located in an area where there isn't adequate security. If other houses also face the same problem fequently, then probably you should do something to see if you can improve the security ie. I had seen people engaging security guard for the entire houses in that street. Might want to consider that if this happens fequently to many of the houses there. Or spend a little money on some security system that is linked to police etc. (In Singapore ie CISCO security system.) Marilyn Ong wrote: can you help me where should i start on checking our couple'sfengshui? Im so depressed and losing hope in having a smooth life. Probably, you should start by checking if the house is suitable to both of you using the free eight house report in our member area:- URL: http://login.geomancy.net Then check your house flying star, see if the main door and bedroom sector has star 7 (which is considered a robbery star), especially now that we are in period 8. If these star 7 is present and it is not a period 7 (1984-2003) house, then you need to neutralise it to reduce the robbery star inauspicious influence. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  24. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: West is Longevity, Noth is Spook, East is Irritation, South is Disaster. Anonymous wrote: Qu 1: Which is worse off,Spook or irritration? These two are actually about the same. But at least they are not as bad as Death or Disaster sector. So you might want to check, whether which bedroom location is more suitable to all family members etc. That can then help you decide which is generall more suitable to your entire family. Anonymous wrote: House 1: Door facing West, living hall balcony & window facing North. Master bed room and a common room face North. Kitchen and one common room face South. (does it matter if the balcony oversee the electric house and rubbish house?) Anonymous wrote: House 2: Door facing North, living hallbalcony& window facing East. Master bed room and a common room face East.Kitchen and one of the commonroom face West.(Looking out fromthe balcony is lot of trees directly infront) Anonymous wrote: Qu 2: Base on the information above, which unit seem to be better for us? Frankly, the two houses doesn't sound the most suitable in all aspect. House 1, at least have main door favourable to you but bedroom doesn't seem to be so favourale in the North. Furthermore, the electric house and rubbish house close to the balcony doesn't sound good. House 2, the suitability isn't that good, with bedroom again not really in the good sector of the house. But at least it does not face the electic house or rubbish. So if there is no choice, I would think that house 2 sounds better at least from whatever information you provided so far. If you ask me, I would say that both houses doesn't really seems to suit both of you so you should seriously consider looking for other house unless there is no other better choice. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  25. Dear Anon, Anonymous wrote: Usually we talk about locations / directionsfor Father, mother, son and daughter. How about if thecouple (the son and his wife) stays with the parents?Will the daughter-in-law's location at Southwest? Anonymous wrote: My friend has been very bad luck (sport injury androbbery)after she got married and stayed with her parents-in-law. I wonder if it is the fengshui that affecting her. Usually, when we assess whether a room or a house is suitable to a person, we check the individual'seight house. ie. Breadwinner of the house should have the main door suitable to him or her. This will ensure that everyone else staying in the house will also have better luck since he/she provides for the entire family. ie. Other family members within the house. It is more important for them to have a bedroom located in a sector of house that is good for them. Also, the sleeping position will also impact them. In this case, you need to check what is SW sector to her's eight house. It might be that it is her death or disaster sector. Also, check out her ba zi element, sometimes even though the eight house is suitable, if the ba zi is like a Strong Earth personor a weak fire person, stayingin SW (earth sector). Or that the sector has lots of str 5 and 2, these may be the reason for her bad luck since she move into the house. Unless you check out what is the possible issues as shown above, it is anyone's guess as to why this happen. However, since it happens to her after she move in, it does tell me she is probably not suitable to that house or bedroom. That is why she has encountered so many bad luck. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
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